Enrico Toti

Enrico Toti

Enrico Toti (born Rome 20 August 1882, died Monfalcone 6 August 1916) was an Italian patriot and hero of World War I.

Enrico lost his left leg in a railway accident at the age of 24. After his injury he became a cyclist. When war broke out he volunteered for the Italian army and despite his injury joined the Bersaglieri and was promoted to major. He was killed in the Sixth Battle of the Isonzo. Fatally wounded while fighting, he hurled his crutch at the enemy. He was posthumously awarded the Gold Medal of Military Valor (Italy's highest award for valour).


Two submarines of the Italian Navy were named Enrico Toti:

* The Italian submarine "Enrico Toti", A "Balilla class submarine, built for the Regia Marina in 1925. She sank the HMS Triad in 1940. - [http://www.regiamarina.net/subs/submarines/toti/toti_us.htm Reference]
* "S506 Enrico Toti", a Toti class submarine, built in 1968 for the Marina Militare, preserved as a museum ship in Milan.


* [http://www.circolopolare.com/eng/memoria_e.htm CIRCOLOPOLARE - l'importanza della memoria ] at www.circolopolare.com
* [http://uk.holidaysguide.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-31477-action-describe-enrico_toti_rome-i Enrico Toti Guide - Yahoo! Travel Guide UK ] at uk.holidaysguide.yahoo.com

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