

chembox new
ImageFile = Hexabromocyclododecane.svg
IUPACName =1,2,5,6,9,10-Hexabromocyclododecane
OtherNames = Hexabromocyclododecane
Section1 = Chembox Identifiers
Abbreviations = HBCDD
Formula =
MolarMass =
Appearance =
CASNo = 25637-99-4
PubChem =
InChI =

Section2 = Chembox Properties
Formula = C12H18Br6
MolarMass = 641.7
Density =
Solubility = 3.4 µg/L in water
MeltingPt = 186 °C (175–195 °C, depending upon isomer)
BoilingPt =
pKa =
pKb =
IsoelectricPt =
DeltaHf =
DeltaHc =
SolubleOther =
Solvent =
SpecRotation =
RefractIndex =
Viscosity =
Dipole =

Section3 = Chembox Structure
CrystalStruct =
Coordination =
MolShape =
Dipole =

Section4 = Chembox Thermochemistry
DeltaHf =
DeltaHc =
Entropy =
HeatCapacity =

Section5 = Chembox Pharmacology
ATCCode =
DrugBank =
Bioavail =
Metabolism =
HalfLife =
Excretion =
PregCat =
AdminRoutes =

Section6 = Chembox Explosive
ShockSens =
FrictionSens =
ExplosiveV =
REFactor =

Section7 = Chembox Hazards
EUClass =
MainHazards =
NFPA-H = 2
NFPA-F = 1
NFPA-R = 0
RPhrases = R43
SPhrases = S24
RSPhrases =
FlashPt =
Autoignition =
ExploLimits =

Section8 = Chembox Supplement
Section9 = Chembox Related
OtherAnions =
OtherCations =
OtherFunctn =
Function =
OtherCpds =

Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD or HBCDD) is a brominated flame retardant. It consists of twelve carbon, eighteen hydrogen, and six bromine atoms tied to the ring. Its primary application is in extruded (XPS) and expanded (EPS) polystyrene foam that is used as thermal insulation in the building industry. HBCD is highly efficient in this application so that very low levels are required to reach the desired flame retardancy. Typical HBCD levels in EPS are 0.7% and in XPS 2.5%. At present, HBCD is the only suitable flame retardant for these applications. Any other flame retardant would likely need higher load levels in the polystyrene foam. Other uses are upholstered furniture, automobile interior textiles, car cushions and insulation blocks in trucks, packaging material, video cassette recorder housing and electric and electronic equipment.The industrial demand in Europe is estimated as 9500 tons per year. [BSEF http://www.bsef.com/docs/BFR_vols_2001.doc]

HBCD's toxicity and its harm to the environment are currently discussed. HBCD can be found in environmental samples such as birds, mammals, fish and other aquatic organisms as well as soil and sediment. [Covaci A, Gerecke AC et al.: "Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in the environment and humans: a review". Environ Sci Technol. 2006 Jun 15;40(12):3679-88. PMID 16830527]


External links

* [http://www.bsef.com/publications/BSEf_factsheet_HBCD_2006.pdf Factsheet BSEF]
* [http://www.cefic-efra.com/Objects/2/Files/HBCDFactsheet.pdf Factsheet CEFIC-EFRA]
* [http://www.bsef.com/env_health/hbcd Environmental aspects]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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