- Arther Ferrill
Arther Ferrill, now a professor emeritus of history at the
University of Washington at Seattle [http://chronicle.com/free/v49/i05/05a01401.htm] , is also a respected expert onAncient Rome andmilitary history . He has written four books and is a regular contributor toThe Quarterly Journal of Military History (ISSN|1040-5992) and other periodicals as an author and in review of other authors. He received his Ph.D. from theUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1964.In "The Fall of the Roman Empire: The Military Explanation" (1998 ISBN 0500274959), Ferrill supports the claims of
Vegetius , about increased "barbarisation " and "germanisation " helping to cause the collapse of theWestern Roman Empire in the fifth century AD. He asserts that allowing barbarians to settle within Rome's borders, to act as a buffer zone against other barbarians, created friction and led to a decrease in the size of the Roman Empire's Borders. He also states that the Germans were recruited in such large numbers by the Western empire that they in fact changed it from a Roman to a German culture. For example, field army units would not use their helmets, the pilum was replaced, and the standard of drill declined, leading to a lack of military skill within the Empire.Among his other works are:
*"Caligula: Emperor of Rome"Thames & Hudson , 1991, ISBN 0500251126
*"The Origins of War: From the Stone Age to Alexander the Great" Thames & Hudson, 1985, ISBN 0500250936
*“Roman Imperial Grand Strategy”University Press of America , 1991,ISBN 0819184454References
* [http://depts.washington.edu/history/faculty/ferrill.html Faculty profile University of Washington, Seattle]
* [http://catalog.lib.washington.edu/search/?searchtype=X&searcharg=Arther+Ferrill&searchscope=6&SORT=D&extended=0&SUBMIT=Search&searchlimits=&searchorigarg=XArthur+Ferrill%26SORT%3DD University of Washington List of Works by Arther Ferill]
* [http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-57636/military-technology Britannica Online review of "The Origins of War" by Arther Ferrill]
* [http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-53028/tactics Britannica Online another review of "The Origins of War" by Arther Ferrill]
* [http://chronicle.com/free/v49/i05/05a01401.htm The Chronicle of Higher Education, “Rehabilitating Livia”, by Scott Mclemee September 27, 2002]
* [http://www.victorhanson.com/articles/hanson0499v63i2.html The Journal of Military History Vol. 63, Iss. 2 "The Status of Ancient Military History: Traditional Work, Recent Research, and On-going Controversies" by Victor Davis Hanson]
* [http://www.utah.edu/pat/conference2001/abstracts2001/Loveland.html University of Utah (online) “Some Observations Regarding the Possible Psychology of the Greek Hoplite, or the Face of Classical Greek Infantry Battle” by John Loveland]
* [http://www.usni.org/proceedings/Articles01/PRObowers11.htm US Naval Institute (online) "Legion Lessons for Today's Marines", by Major William J. Bowers, U.S. Marine Corps, November 2001 (see bibliography)]
* [http://www.umd.umich.edu/casl/hum/eng/classes/434/charweb/Fawaz1.htm University of Michigan (online) "Cruelty and Immorality in Rome: The Times of Caligula, Messalina, and Nero" by Mohamed Fawaz (see bibliography)]
* [http://www.lib.washington.edu/support/fol_newsletter.htm "such renowned scholars as Thomas Pressly, Jon Bridgman and Arthur Ferrill."] (April 2006, UCLA)
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