Yamgan District

Yamgan District

Infobox Political Division
name =Yamgan
alt_name1 =
alt_name2 =
alt_name3 =
subdivision_type =District
subdivision_type_link =Districts of Afghanistan
subdivision_of =Badakhshan
subdivision_of_link =Badakhshan Province

flag_caption =

symbol_type =
symbol_caption =

map_width =
map_loc_caption =Yamgan District was formed within Baharak District in 2005
latitude_deg =
latitude_min =
latitude_ord =
longitude_deg =
longitude_min =
longitude_ord =
map_area =
administration_type =District council
administration_type_link =
capital_name =
capital_type =
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leader_title =
leader_title_link =
leader_name =
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officer_name1 =
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population_link =
population =20,000
population_year =
population_method =
population_method_link =
population_rank =16th
population_rank_of =29
population_rank_link =
population2 =
population2_year =
population2_method =
population2_method_link =
population_density =
population_density_year =
population_density_rank =
population_density_rank_of =
demonym =
ethnic_groups =
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languages =
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geography_link =
area =
area_rank =
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time_zone =
subdiv_link =
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economy_percap_metric =
economy_percap_metric_link =
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economy_growth_link =
economy_growth_year =
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labor_force =
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currency =
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airports =
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airports_metric_link =
seaports =
seaports_link =
seaports_metric =
seaports_metric_link =
identifiers_title =
iso_3166_2 =
calling_code =
calling_code_title =
postal_code =
postal_code_title =
nickname =
nickname_title =
nickname_link =
motto =
motto_link =
motto_title =
anthem =
anthem_link =
anthem_title =
alt_symbol1 =
alt_symbol1_link =
alt_symbol1_title =
alt_symbol2 =
alt_symbol2_link =
alt_symbol2_title =
alt_symbol3 =
alt_symbol3_link =
alt_symbol3_title =
official_website_url =
official_website_name =

Yamgan District is one of the 29 districts of Badakhshan Province in eastern Afghanistan. It was created in 2005 from part of Baharak District and is home to approximately 20,000 residents.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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