Artland Dragons

Artland Dragons

Artland Dragons is a basketball club based in Quakenbrück, Germany that plays in the Basketball Bundesliga. Their home arena is Artland Arena, 3000 spectators.


Basketball has a long tradition in Quakenbrück. A basketball section of the QTSV Quakenbrück was established in 1955.In the 1970's the first achievement was the promotion in to the second German League.

After a long time without great success Günter 'Ice' Kollmann, former German basketball player and junior national team member, supported the QTSV team as a main sponsor.

The journey to the first German league began.

1994: Promotion into the 2nd regional league
1995: Promotion into the 1st regional league
1996: Promotion into the 2nd league
2003: Promotion into the 1st league, the BBL.

In the season 1995/1996 and 2002/2003 the team was unbeaten in its league.

BBL history

2004: Play-offs missed by one game
2005: 5th place, Play-off quarter-final
2006: 5th place, Play-off quarter final, semi-final in the German Cup
2007: 8th place, vice-championship in league and German Cup


*Manager: Marko Beens (since 2002), also vice president of German Basketball League (BBL).

*Head Coach: Chris Fleming (since 2001, former Dragonplayer). Fleming was German U20 national coach from 2004-2005.

*Assistant Coach: Ralf Rehberger (since 2004). Rehberger was coach of the German champion a cup winner BC Universa Marburg (1.league woman) and Head coach from Eurotech Baskets Feldkirch (Austria).

Also assisting is former player Arne Woltmann.

Current players

Partner / Youthteam

Partner club of the Artland Dragons is the local basketball club "QTSV" with a men's team playing in the regional league and a women's team playing in the second German women league.There variety of other teams (youth and andults, also wheelchairbasketball).

Youth team of the Artland Dragons are the "Young Dragons", playing in the NBBL, the German youth team league (Nachwuchs Basketball Bundesliga).

Cheerleader squad a team mascot

The cheerleader squad is called "The flames", it is trained by Annette Schone. Team mascot is a dragon called "Tobi der Drache" (Tobi, the dragon)

External links

* [|Artland Dragon's website]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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