Resistance distance

Resistance distance

In graph theory, the resistance distance between two vertices of a simple connected graph, "G", is equal to the resistance between two equivalent points on an electrical network, constructed so as to correspond to "G", with each edge being replaced by a 1 ohm resistance. It is a metric on graphs.


On a graph "G", the resistance distance Ω"i","j" between two vertices "vi" and "vj" is defined as


where Γ is the Moore-Penrose inverse of the Laplacian matrix of "G".

Properties of resistance distance

If "i=j" then


For an undirected graph


General sum rule

For any "N"-vertex simple connected graph "G" = ("V", "E") and arbitrary "N"X"N" matrix "M":

:sum_{i,j in V}(LML)_{i,j}Omega_{i,j}=-2tr(ML),

From this generalized sum rule a number of relationships can be derived depending on the choice of "M". Two of note are;

:sum_{(i,j) in E}Omega_{i,j}=N-1


where the lambda_{k} are the non-zero eigenvalues of the Laplacian matrix.

Relationship to the number of spanning trees of a graph

For a simple connected graph "G" = ("V", "E"), the resistance distance between two vertices may by expressed as a function of the set of spanning trees, "T", of "G" as follows:

:Omega_{i,j}=egin{cases}frac{left | {t:t in T, e_{i,j} subseteq T} ight vert}{left | T ight vert}, & (i,j) in E\ frac{left | T^'-T ight vert}{left | T ight vert}, &(i,j) ot in E end{cases}

where "T"' is the set of spanning trees for the graph G^'=(V, E+e_{i,j}).

As a squared Euclidean distance

Since the Laplacian L is symmetric and positive semi-definite, it's pseudoinverse Gamma is also symmetric and positive semi-definite. Thus, there is a K such that Gamma = K K^T and we can write:

:Omega_{i,j} = Gamma_{i,i}+Gamma_{j,j}-Gamma_{i,j}-Gamma_{j,i} = K_iK_i^T + K_jK_j^T - K_iK_j^T - K_jK_i^T = (K_i - K_j)^2

showing that the square root of the resistance distance corresponds to the Euclidean distance in the space spanned by K.

Classical mechanics

In classical mechanics, resistance distance is defined as the distance from the resistance (on a lever) to the fulcrum.


* [ Klein DJ, Randi M, "Resistance Distance", Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 12:81 ]
* [ Klein DJ, "Resistance Distance Sum Rules"]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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