

Infobox Anatomy
Latin =
GraySubject = 183
GrayPage = 728

Caption = Transverse section of human tibial nerve.

Caption2 = Nerve structure
System =
MeshName = Endoneurium
MeshNumber = A08.800.800
DorlandsPre = e_09
DorlandsSuf = 12332510
The nerve fibers are held together and supported within the funiculus by delicate connective tissue, called the endoneurium.

It is continuous with septa which pass inward from the innermost layer of the perineurium, and shows a ground substance in which are imbedded fine bundles of fibrous connective tissue, primarily collagen, running for the most part longitudinally.

It serves to support capillary vessels, arranged so as to form a net-work with elongated meshes.

It is found in other places too, such as surrounding the Schwann cells on the peripheral side of the transitional zone on the auditory nerve. [cite journal |author=Fraher JP |title=The transitional zone and CNS regeneration |journal=J. Anat. |volume=196 ( Pt 1) |issue= |pages=137–58 |year=2000 |pmid=10697296 |doi=]


External links

* - "Ultrastructure of the Cell: myelinated axon and Schwann cell"
* - "Ultrastructure of the Cell: arteriole and peripheral nerve"
* [http://neuromedia.neurobio.ucla.edu/campbell/nervous/wp_images/182%20endoneurium%20LP.jpgHistology] at University of California, Los Angeles
* [http://www.med.howard.edu/anatomy/gas/wk2/images/image2.gifDiagram] at Howard University

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