Group by (SQL)

Group by (SQL)

A GROUP BY statement in SQL specifies that a SQL SELECT statement returns a list that is grouped by one or more columns, usually in order to apply some sort of aggregate function to certain columns.


Returns a list of Department IDs along with the sum of their sales for the date of January 1, 2000. SELECT DeptID, SUM(SaleAmount) FROM Sales WHERE SaleDate = '01-Jan-2000'a group by statement can use a having clause to filter the number of rows... GROUP BY DeptID

Common grouping (aggregation) functions include:
* count("expression") - Quantity of matching records (per group)
* Sum("expression") - Summation of given value (per group)
* Min("expression") - Minimum of given value (per group)
* Max("expression") - Maximum of given value (per group)
* Avg("expression") - Average of given value (per group)

ee also

* Aggregate function

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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