Kaarlo Castrén

Kaarlo Castrén

Infobox Officeholder
honorific-prefix =
name = Kaarlo Castrén
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office = Prime Minister of Finland
term_start = April 17, 1919
term_end = August 15, 1919
predecessor = Lauri Ingman
successor = Juho Vennola
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office2 = Minister of Finance
term_start2 = November 27, 1918
term_end2 = April 17, 1919
predecessor2 = Juhani Arajärvi
successor2 = August Ramsay
birth_date = February 28 1860
birth_place = Turtola, Finland
death_date = November 19 1938
death_place =
nationality =
party = National Progressive Party
spouse =
relations =
children =
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alma_mater =
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Kaarlo Castrén (February 28 1860 – November 19 1938) was a Finnish politician and Prime Minister of Finland. He represented the National Progressive Party.

Castrén was born in Turtola and graduated in 1887 as a Bachelor of Law. From 1888 to 1892, he worked in the finance division of the Senate of Finland, and from 1888 to 1898 in the Castrén & Snellman attorneys-at-law office.

From 1892 to 1904, Castrén was a member of the board in the Kansallis-Osake-Pankki bank. He attended the state board meetings in 1894 and from 1905 to 1906. He was Senator from 1908 to 1909, after which he founded an attorney-at-law office. In 1916, Castrén was elected as the director of Kansallis-Osake-Pankki.

In November 1918, Castrén was named Minister of Finance. He served as Prime Minister of Finland from April 17 to August 15 1919. His government gave a proposal of the republic form of government in Finland, and after the proposal was accepted, the government disbanded.

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