- BAI (organization)
BAI (Banking Administration Institute) is the leading professional organization for the financial services industry, especially in the
United States .Organization
BAI publishes a trade journal called "Banking Strategies" and disseminates information through seminars, graduate schools, and conferences (e.g., the Retail Delivery Conference & Expo).
BAI works extensively with organizations in both the public and private sectors to promote consistent standards and the use of technology in banking and finance.
BAI describes themselves as follows:
"BAI is the financial services industry’s leading professional organization focused on enhancingemployee and organizational performance. Through ground-breaking research and an awardwinningmagazine, Banking Strategies, BAI provides the latest insights on complex, strategicissues in financial services. Through seminars, graduate schools and conferences—including theindustry’s premier event, BAI’s Retail Delivery Conference & Expo—BAI reaches thousands offinancial services professionals each year to deliver content designed around critical businessneeds and to facilitate vital connections between financial services professionals, industryexperts and solutions providers. Focusing on business issues and performance drivers, BAIapplies its extensive line of training, metrics and employee assessments to help clients leveragetheir most important asset— their employees. For more information, visit www.bai.org" [http://www.bai.org/operations/PDF/Cash_Management_2005.pdf]
BAI's mailing address is:
Starting in 1980, BAI developed the BAI format standard for the EDI of cash management balance reporting data.
As of 1997, BAI has co-sponsored with ECCHO (Electronic Check Clearing House Organization) the National Electronic Check and Image Exchange Conference. [http://www.eccho.org/about_overview.php]
ee also
BAI (file format) External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.