Belgian Synesthesia Association

Belgian Synesthesia Association

The Belgian Synesthesia Association (BSA) was founded in 1995 by Dr. Hugo Heyrman, Ph.D. in ArtSciences, painter, synesthesia researcher and Professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp,Belgium. The Association functions as an online portal for Synesthesia and Art. The BSA attempts topresent relevant sources on the art & mind connection, theory, experiments and research on thefuture of the senses. The mission of the Association consists of exploring the multisensoryinteractions of synesthesia, to connect synesthetes and their synesthetic experience with interestednon-synesthetes worldwide, and to promote study, research and understanding of synesthesia ineducational, social, cultural and artistic contexts.

External links

* [ Official web site]

International Synaesthesia Associations

* [ American Synesthesia Association]
* [ Australian Synaesthesia Association]
* [ UK Synaesthesia Association]

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