- Uggs-N-Rugs
Uggs-N-Rugs [ [http://www.uggs-n-rugs.com.au Uggs-N-Rugs Official Website] ] is a small family business, manufacturing and retailing sheepskin
ugg boots .History
Uggs-N-Rugs are a family sheepskin
ugg boots manufacturing and retailing business operating out ofPerth, Western Australia . The business was formed in the late 1970's by Bruce and Bronwyn McDougall who had recently finished farming in Quindanning. Initially they purchased their product already made but as the quality was erratic, they decided to make it themselves using an old industrial overlockersewing machine . Their children Michelle, Alex and Fiona all helped in the business and daughter, Fiona, still does.Ugg Boots and trademarks
The McDougalls have been seen in the media [ [http://www.thewest.com.au/default.aspx?MenuID=24&ContentID=6507 Boots and All Fight Revealed] ] [ [http://www.smh.com.au/news/NATIONAL/Aussie-manufacturers-reclaim-ugg-boots/2006/01/17/1137466985701.html Aussie manufacturers reclaim ugg boots] ] [ [http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/story.cfm?c_id=2&ObjectID=10364327 These boots are made for litigation] ] [ [http://www.news.com.au/dailytelegraph/story/0,22049,20404086-5006014,00.html Ugg-ly battle] ] in recent years due to the tussle with
Deckers Outdoor Corporation and their registered trademarks. Most notable is their win in early 2006 when their business - Uggs-N-Rugs - was successful in having IP Australia (the Australian trade mark's office) declare that the word/s ug / ugh and ugg are interchangeable and are generic words used to describe sheepskin boots [ [http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/pdfs/trademarks/hearings/245662_060116.pdf IP Australia's summary] ] . The result was having the trademark ugh-boots wiped from the register for non-use. As part of their action, the McDougalls provided volumes of evidence showing the term (and its derivatives) being used in a generic sense. In addition, they were able to show that Deckers Outdoor Corporation failed to use their trademark properly and consistently. This battle was portrayed in the documentary, The Good, The Bad and The Ugg Boot [ [http://www.abc.net.au/programsales/s1699758.htm The Good, The Bad and The Ugg Boot by A Jumping Dog Productions] ] . This action sets an important precedent intrademark law and serves as a warning to those who register trademarks to make sure they are used properly [ [http://www.shelstonip.com/564.asp The Good, the Bad, and the Ugh-ly Side of Australian Fashion] ] [ [http://www.freehills.com.au/publications/about_5752.asp ‘UGH-BOOTS’ trade mark decision a lesson for industry] ] . After the various non-use actions were finalised, IP Australia took the unusual step of publishing a clarification on their rulings [ [http://www.ipaustralia.gov.au/pdfs/factsheets/Ugg%20Boots%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf IP Australia's clarification on the ugh, ugh-boots and UGG Australia picture mark rulings] ] . It also highlights the need for more due diligence to be performed by both the registering party and International Intellectual Property registrars before registering a trademark [ [http://www.saveouraussieicon.com/ Save Our Aussie Icon] ] .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.