Azygos vein

Azygos vein

Infobox Vein
Latin = vena azygos
GraySubject = 172
GrayPage = 667

Caption = Superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, azygos vein and their tributaries. (Vena azygos labeled at center.)

Caption2 = POSTERIOR VIEW: The position and relation of the esophagus in the cervical region and in the posterior mediastinum. Seen from behind. (Azygos vein labeled at bottom left.)
DrainsFrom =
Source = superior intercostal vein
DrainsTo = superior vena cava
Artery =
MeshName = Azygos+Vein
MeshNumber = A07.231.908.106
DorlandsPre = v_05
DorlandsSuf = 12849551

The azygos vein is a vein running up the right side of the thoracic vertebral column. It can also provide an alternate path for blood to the inferior vena cava.


The azygos vein transports deoxygenated blood from the posterior walls of the thorax and abdomen into the superior vena cava vein. The anatomy of this blood vessel can be quite variable. In some rare variations for example, it also drains thoracic veins, bronchial veins and even gonadal veins. The vein is so named because it has no symmetrically equivalent vein on the left side of the body.

It is formed by the union of the ascending lumbar veins with the right subcostal veins at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra, ascending in the posterior mediastinum, and arching over the right main bronchus at the root of the right lung to join the superior vena cava. This "arch of the azygos vein" ("arcus venae azygou") is an important anatomic landmark.

Its tributaries, apart from its main tributary, the hemiazygos vein, are the bronchial veins, pericardial veins, and posterior right intercostal veins. It communicates with the vertebral venous plexuses.

Azygos venous system

The azygos system of veins is considered to be the azygos vein, along with its left-sided counterparts, the hemiazygos vein and the accessory hemiazygos vein. Together, they form an anastomosis between the superior vena cava to the inferior vena cava.

It can be noted that the azygos system of veins exists because the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava are not continuous. While the aorta travels downward (continuously) through the mediastinum, supplying blood to the intercostal spaces, the vena cava does not exist at the level of the heart. Thus, the azygos venous system makes up for this deficiency of the venae cavae.


The Greek root "zyg" refers to a pair. 'A-' means "not". Thus, "azygos" means "unpaired". The azygos vein is unpaired in that there is only one in the body, mostly on the right side. While there is the hemiazygos vein and its accessory on the left side of the body, they are considered tributaries of the azygos vein rather than its left-side equivalent.


ee also

* Hemiazygos vein
* Posterior intercostal veins
* Superior vena cava

External links

* - "Right side of the mediastinum."
* [ Dissection at]
* [ Radiology at]

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