- Erica Simone Turnipseed
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name = Erica Simone Turnipseed
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occupation = Novelist
nationality = American
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website = http://www.ericasimoneturnipseed.comErica Simone Turnipseed is the author of "Hunger" [http://www.ericasimoneturnipseed.com :: Erica Simone Turnipseed :: ] ] . Her debut novel was "A Love Noire", which won the Atlanta Choice Award Author of the Year from the Atlanta Daily World. Complementing Turnipseed's first two novels is "A Love Noire/Hunger: The Soundtrack" [ [http://www.ericasimoneturnipseed.com/soundtrack.html :: Erica Simone Turnipseed :: ] ] . In addition, Turnipseed was nominated for Breakout Author of the Year for the African American Literary Awards Show Open Book Award. [ [http://www.literaryawardshow.com/sections/pr8-03-04.htm Literary Award Show. African American authors and writers ] ]
Among her many appearances, Turnipseed has served as a guest lecturer at
Spelman College ,Medgar Evers College ,Baruch College ,Midwood High School , and her alma mater,Yale University . Notably, she was a panelist at the inauguralBrooklyn Book Festival [ [http://www.brooklynbookfestival.org/ Brooklyn Book Festival ] ] , the Brooklyn Best Festival, and the "Up South International Book Festival" [http://www.upsouthinternationalbookfestival.com] . A full-time writer, Turnipseed has B.A. and M.A degrees in anthropology fromYale University andColumbia University respectively [ [http://www.ericasimoneturnipseed.com/abouterica.html :: Erica Simone Turnipseed :: ] ] . She is also the founder of the "Five Years for the House Initiative," a fund raising drive for the Afro-American Cultural Center at Yale. She lives with her husband in Brooklyn, New York. [ [http://www.harpercollins.com/authors/25602/Erica_Simone_Turnipseed/index.aspx Erica Simone Turnipseed from HarperCollins Publishers ] ]References
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