List of giant squid specimens and sightings (References)

List of giant squid specimens and sightings (References)

Full bibliography for the List of giant squid specimens and sightings article.

Cited references

The following references are cited in the "List of giant squid" table in the columns "Cited references" and "Additional references". They include sources that provide specific data on a particular specimen (usually original descriptions), as well as later sources which merely refer to the specimen.


*fr icon Cadenat, J. 1935. Note sur la premiere capture dans le Golfe de Gascogne du cephalopode geant, "Architeuthis nawaji". "Compte-Rendu de l'Association Francaise pour l'Avancement des Sciences", 59:513.
*fr icon Cadenat, J. 1936. Note sur un cephalopode geant ("Architeuthis harveyi" Verrill) capture dans le golfe de Gascogne. "Bulletin de Museum d'Histoire Naturelle", Paris, (2)8(3):277-285, 4 figures.
*Carus, J.V. 1880. "Zool. Anz.", 3:319. ["emend. pro -thus" Hilgendorf, 1880]
*Cherel, Y. 2003. New records of the giant squid "Architeuthis dux" in the southern Indian Ocean. "Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom" 83: 1295-1296.
*Cherel, Y. & G. Duhamel 2004. Antarctic jaws: cephalopod prey of sharks in Kerguelen waters. "Deep-Sea Research I" 51: 17-31.
*Clarke, M.R. 1962. Stomach contents of a sperm whale caught off Madeira in 1959. "Norsk Hvalfangsttid", 51(5):173-191.
*Clarke, M.R. 1966. A review of the systematics and ecology of oceanic squids. "Advances in Marine Biology", 4:91-300.
*Clarke, M.R. 1980. Cephalopoda in the diet of sperm whales of the southern hemisphere and their bearing on sperm whale biology. "Discovery Reports", 37:1-324.
*Clarke, M.R. 1986. "A Handbook for the Identification of Cephalopod Beaks". Clarendon Press, Oxford, 273 pages.
*Clarke, M.R. & N. MacLeod 1974. Cephalopod remains from a sperm whale caught off Vigo, Spain. "Journal of the Marine Biological Association", UK, 54:959-968.
*Clarke, M.R. & N. MacLeod 1976. Cephalopod remains from sperm whales caught off Iceland. "Journal of the Marine Biological Association", UK, 56:733-749.
*Clarke, M.R. & N. MacLeod 1982. Cephalopod remains from the stomachs of sperm whales caught in the Tasman Sea. "Memoirs of the National Museum Victoria", 43:25-42.
*Clarke, M.R., H.R. Martins & P. Pascoe 1993. The diet of sperm whales ("Physeter macrocephalus" Linnaeus, 1758) off the Azores. "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London", ser. B, 339:67-82.
*Clarke, M.R. & N. Merrett 1972. The significance of squid, whale and other remains from the stomachs of bottom-living deep-sea fish. "Journal of the Marine Biological Association", UK, 52:599-603.
*Clarke, M.R. & P.L. Pascoe 1997. Cephalopod species in the diet of a sperm whale ("Physeter catodon") stranded at Penzance, Cornwall. "Journal of the Marine Biological Association", UK, 77:1255-1258.
*Clarke, M.R. & R.E. Young 1998. Description and analysis of cephalopod beaks from stomachs of six species of odontocete cetaceans stranded on Hawaiian shores. "Journal of the Marine Biological Association", UK, 78:623-641.
*Clarke, R. 1955. A giant squid swallowed by a sperm whale. "Norwegian Whaling Gazette", 1955(10):589-593, 6 figures.
*Clarke, R. 1956. Sperm whales of the Azores. "Discovery Report", 28:237-298, 18 text-figures, 2 plates.
*Clarke, W.J. & G.C. Robson 1929. Notes on the stranding of giant squids on the North-East coast of England. "Proceedings of the Malacological Society", 18(4):154-158, map.
*Collet, R. 1911-1912. "Norges Pattedyr". H. Aschehoug & Co., Kristiania, 744 pages.
*Collins, M.A. 1998. A female giant squid ("Architeuthis") stranded on the Aberdeenshire coast. "Journal of Molluscan Studies", 64(4):489-492), 1 figure.
*Collins, M.A., C. Lordan, K. Flannery, D.T.G. Quigley & F.G. Howard 1997. New records of cephalopods caught in Irish and Scottish waters. "Journal of the Marine Biological Association", UK, 77:561-564.
*Compagno-Roeleveld, M.A. & M.R. Lipinski 1991. The giant squid "Architeuthis" in southern African waters. "Journal of Zoology", London, 224(3):431-477, 19 plates.
*fr icon Crosse, H. & P. Fischer 1862. Nouveau documents sur les cephalopodes gigantesque. "Journal de Conchyliologie", 10 [Apr.] :124-140.


*Fiscus, C.W. & D.W. Rice 1974. Giant squids, "Architeuthis" sp., from stomachs of sperm whales captured off California. "California Fish and Game", 60(2):91-93, 1 figure.
*Fiscus, C.W., D.W. Rice & A.A. Wolman 1989. Cephalopods from the stomachs of sperm whales taken off California. "NOAA Technical Report", NMFS 83:1-12.
*Forch, E.C. 1983. New Plymouth's giant squid. "Catch '83", Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Wellington, 10(10) [Oct.] :6-7, 1 figure.
*Forch, E.C. 1984. Giant squid still a mystery. "Catch '84", Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Wellington, 11(11) [Dec.] :19, 1 figure.
*Forch, E.C. 1998. The marine fauna of New Zealand: Cephalopoda; Oegopsida; Architeuthidae (Giant squid). "NIWA Biodiversity memoir" 110: 113 pages, 28 figures.
*Frost, N. 1934. Notes on a giant squid ("Architeuthis" sp.) captured at Dildo, Newfoundland, in December, 1933. "Annual Report of the Newfoundland Fishery Research Commission for 1933", 2(2):100-113, 5 figures, 2 plates.
*Frost, N. 1936. A further species of giant squid ("Architeuthis" sp.) from Newfoundland waters. "Annual Report of the Newfoundland Fishery Research Commission for 1935", 2(5):89-95, 10 figs.


*Iwai, E. 1956. Descriptions on unidentified species of dibranchiate cephalopods. I. An oegopsiden squid belonging to the genus "Architeuthis". "Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute", Tokyo, 11 [Jun.] :139-151, 1 text-figure, 5 plates.


*Landman, N.H. & R. Ellis 1998. "Architeuthis" – at last. "Curator: The Museum Journal", 41(3):150-152, 2 figures.
*Landman, N.H., J. K. Cochran, R. Cerrato, J. Mak, C.F.E. Roper & C.C. Lu 2004. Habitat and age of the giant squid ("Architeuthis sanctipauli") inferred from isotopic analyses. "Marine Biology" 144(4): 685–691. DOI|10.1007/s00227-003-1245-y
*Lane F.W. 1974. "The Kingdom of the Octopus". Sheridan House. New York. 287 pages.
*Leviton, A.E. & F.H. Gibbs Jr. 1988. Standards in herpetology and ichthyology. Standard symbolic codes for intitutional resource collections in herpetology and ichthyology. Supplement No. 1: Additions and corrections. "Copeia", 1988(1):28-228.
*Leviton, A.E., F.H. Gibbs Jr., E. Heal & C.D. Dawson 1985. Standards in herpetology and ichthyology: Part I. Standard symbolic codes for intitutional resource collections in herpetology and ichthyology. "Copeia", 1985(3):802-832.
*Lipinski, M.R. 1993. The deposition of statoliths: a working hypothesis, pages 241-262. "In": T. Okutani, R.K. O'Dor & T. Kubodera (eds.) "Recent Advances in Fisheries Biology", Tokai University Press, Tokyo, 752 pages.
*Lipinski, M.R. 1997. Morphology of giant squid "Architeuthis" statoliths. "South African Journal of Marine Science", 18:299-303, 3 figures.
*Lipinski, M.R., F.A. Naggs & M.A. Roeleveld. 2000. Catalogue of types of Recent cephalopods in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London. "Annales Zoologici (Warszawa)", 50(1):101-120.
*Lollar, K. 2007. Historic haul a giant dish of calimari: Experts think squid’s a special find. "The News-Press" August 17, 2007.
*sv icon Lonnberg, E. 1891. Ofversigt ofver Sveriges Cephalopoder. "Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar", 17(6):1-41.
*Lordan, C., M.A. Collins & C. Perales-Raya 1998. Observations on morphology, age and diet of three "Architeuthis" caught off the west coast of Ireland in 1995. "Journal of the Marine Biological Association", UK, 78:903-917, 5 figures.
*Lu, C.C. 1986. Smallest of the largest -- first record of giant squid larval specimen. "Australian Shell News", 53 [Jan.] :9, 1 figure.
*Lu, C.C., R. Boucher-Rodoni & A. Tillier 1995. Catalogue of types of recent Cephalopoda in the Museum national d'Histoire Naturelle (France). "Bulletin du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle", Paris, (series 4)17(3-4):307-343.


*Ohsumi, S. & Y. Satake 1976. Provisional report on investigations of sperm whales off the coast of Japan under a special permit. "International Whaling Commission Meeting" (La Jolla, 1976) Document IWC/SC SP76/16.
*Okiyama, M. 1993. Kinds, abundance and distribution of the oceanic squids in the Sea of Japan, pages 403-415. "In": T. Okutani, R.K. O'Dor & T. Kubodera (eds.) "Recent Advances in Fisheries Biology", Tokai University Press, Tokyo, 752 pages.
*Okutani, T., Y. Satake, S. Ohsumi & T. Kawakami 1976. Squids eaten by sperm whales caught off Joban District, Japan, during January-February, 1976. "Bulletin of Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory", 87 [Oct.] :67-113, 8 plates.
*Olafsen, E. 1772. "Vice-Lavmand Eggert Olafsens og Land-Physici Biarne Povelsens Reise igiennem Island, foranstaltet af Videnskabernes Sælskab i Kiøbenhavn". Volume II. Sorøe, Jonas Lindgrens Enke. [English translation: Vice-lawman Eggert Olafsen's and physician Biarne Povelsen's journey through Iceland, arranged by the Society of Sciences in Copenhagen.]
*O'Shea, S. 1997. Giant squid in New Zealand waters. "Seafood New Zealand", 5(10):32–34.
*O'Shea, S. 2003. Giant Squid and Colossal Squid Fact Sheet. The Octopus News Magazine Online.
*O'Shea, S. N.d. Larval "Architeuthis" Distribution Off New Zealand. The Octopus News Magazine Online.
*O'Shea, S. 2007. Location data for stranded and trawl-caught "Architeuthis" from New Zealand, 1954-2000. The Octopus News Magazine Online.
*Owen, R. 1881. Descriptions of some new and rare Cephalopoda (Part II). "Transactions of the Zoological Society of London", 11(5) [Jun.] :131-170, 4 figures, 13 plates.


*Rae, B.B. 1950. Description of a giant squid stranded near Aberdeen. "Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London", 28(4/5) [Dec.] :163-167.
*Rathjen, W.F. 1973. Northwest Atlantic squids. "Marine Fisheries Review", 35(12):20-26.
*Ré, M.E., P.J. Baron, J.C. Beron, A.E. Gosztonyi, L. Kuba, M.A. Monsalve & N.H. Sardella 1998. A giant squid "Architeuthis" sp. (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) stranded on the Patagonian shore of Argentina. "South African Journal of Marine Biology", 20:109-122.
*Rees, W.J. & G.E. Maul 1956. The Cephalopoda of Madeira, records and distribution. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), "Zoology", 3(6) [Feb.] :259-281.
*Reuter News 1996. One-tonne squid 10cm off record. "Herald-Sun" Newspaper, Melbourne, Australia, 1 February 1996.
*Reuters 2007. Rare giant squid washed up in Australia. "Yahoo! News" July 11, 2007.
*Ritchie, J. 1918. Occurrence of a giant squid ("Architeuthis") on the Scottish coast. "Scottish Naturalist", 73 [Jun.] :133-139.
*Ritchie, J. 1920. Giant squid cast ashore on N. Uist, Outer Hebrides. "Scottish Naturalist", 99 [Mar./Apr.] :57.
*Ritchie, J. 1922. Giant squids on the Scottish coast. "Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science", 1921:423.
*Robison, B.H. 1989. Depth of occurrence and partial chemical composition of a giant squid, "Architeuthis", off Southern California. "Veliger", 32(1) [Jan.] :39-42, 2 figures.
*Robson, C.W. 1887. On a new species of giant cuttlefish stranded at Cape Campbell, June 30th 1886 ("Architeuthis kirkii"). "Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute", 19(1) [May] :155-157.
*Robson, G.C. 1933. On "Architeuthis clarkei", a new species of giant squid, with observations on the genus. "Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London", 1933(3) [Sep.] :681-697, 8 figures, 1 plate.
*Roe, H.S.J. 1969. The food and feeding habits of the sperm whales ("Physeter catodon" L.) Taken off the west coast of Iceland. "Journal du Conseil", 33(1):93-102.
*Roeleveld, M.A.C. 1996. The status and importance of cephalopod taxonomy in southern Africa. "In": Programme, abstracts and directory, 9th Southern African Marine Science Symposium: Marine Science in southern Africa, past perspectives and future challenges, Cape Town, South Africa, 21-23 November 1996; p. 109, abstract only.
*Roeleveld, M.A.C. 2000. Giant squid beaks: implications for systematics. "Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom", 80: 185-187.
*Roper, C.F.E. & K.J. Boss 1982. The giant squid. "Scientific American", 246(4):82-89.
*Roper, C.F.E. & G.L. Voss 1983. Guidelines for taxonomic descriptions of cephalopod species. "Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria" 44:49-63.
*Roper, C.F.E. & R.E. Young 1972. First record of juvenile giant squid, "Architeuthis" (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida). "Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington", 85(16):205-222.
*es icon Ruiz, A. & R. Fondacaro 1996. Un calamar gigante en aguas de la plataforma patagónica. "Jornadas Patagónicas de Medio Ambiente", Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, 9-11 October 1996, Esquel - Chubut Patagonia Argentina. Abstracts, page 95.
*Rusk, K. 2008. 25-foot squid found in Monterey Bay. KGO-TV (ABC7), June 26, 2008.

*United Press International 2007. Giant squid caught off Italian coast. August 23, 2007.


*ru icon Yukhov, V.L. 1974. The discovery of giant squids. "Priroda", Moscow, 1974(6):60-63, 3 figures.


*Zeidler, W. 1996. Forget the calamari! "Australia Nature", 25(2):7-8, 1 figure.
*Zeidler, W. & K.L. Gowlett-Holmes 1996. A specimen of giant squid, "Architeuthis" sp., from South Australian waters. "Records of the South Australian Museum", 29(1):85-91, 7 figures.

General references

The following sources were directly used to compile the "List of giant squid".

* [Anonymous] 2002a. [ Trawler nets giant squid.] BBC News, 14 January, 2002.
* [Anonymous] 2002b. [ "巨大イカ現れる !!"] Kyoto Prefecture Web Site.
* [Anonymous] 2002c. [ 'New species' of giant squid found.] BBC News, 22 July, 2002.
* [Anonymous] 2006a. [ News briefs from California's Central Coast] . "Monterey Herald", August 16, 2006.
* [Anonymous] 2006b. [ 大興號捕獲7公尺、211公斤大王魷 東港拍賣引騷動.] ETtoday through Yahoo! Taiwan.
* [Anonymous] 2007a. [ Giant squid found on Farewell Spit] . TV3, July 23, 2007.
*it icon [Anonymous] 2007b. [ Un raro calamaro gigante] . "Il Tirreno" August 24, 2007.
* [Anonymous] 2008a. [ Giant preserved squid on display] . BBC News, 31 March, 2008.
* [Anonymous] 2008b. [,21985,23759894-5005961,00.html Fisherman hauls in colossal squid] . "Melbourne Herald Sun", May 26, 2008.
* [Anonymous] 2008c. [ Colossal squid caught by fishing boat] . United Press International, May 26, 2008.
* [Anonymous] 2008d. PDFlink| [ Media Release: Giant squid public dissection at Melbourne Museum.] July 11, 2008, Melbourne Museum.
* ABC Tasmania 2007. [ Giant Squid to be preserved] . August 23, 2007.
* ABC News 2008. [ Scientists probe giant squid sex secrets] . June 3, 2008.
* AFP 2008. [ Paris' latest star is no damp squid] . March 25, 2008.
* Alexander, K. 2008. [ Researchers think they found remains of 25-foot giant squid in Monterey Bay] . "San Jose Mercury News", June 25, 2008.
* ANSA 2007. [ Fishermen net rare giant squid] . August 23, 2007.
* Bolstad, K.S. & S. O'Shea 2004. PDFlink| [ Gut contents of a giant squid "Architeuthis dux" (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) from New Zealand waters.] "New Zealand Journal of Zoology" 31: 15–21.
* Brown, G. 2008. [ Giant catch for trawler crew] . "The Press", May 9, 2008.
* Brunetti, N.E., M.L. Ivanovic, M. Sakai & L.N. Pascual 2002. PDFlink| [ Two new records of giant squid ("Architeuthis" sp.) from the Patagonian region.] "Revista de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero" 15: 95–110.
* Burgess, M. 2008. [ Fishermen bag huge squid off Portland] . "The Age", May 26, 2008.
* Cherel, Y. 2003. PDFlink| [ New records of the giant squid "Architeuthis dux" in the southern Indian Ocean.] |49.5 KiB "J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K." 83: 1295-1296.
* Cherel, Y. & G. Duhamel 2004. PDFlink| [ Antarctic jaws: cephalopod prey of sharks in Kerguelen waters.] |531 KiB "Deep-Sea Research I" 51: 17-31.
* Ellis, R. 1998. "The Search for the Giant Squid". The Lyons Press, pp. 257-265.
* Guerra, Á., Á.F. González, E.G. Dawe & F. Rocha 2004a. Records of giant squid in the north-eastern Atlantic, and two records of male "Architeuthis" sp. off the Iberian Peninsula. "Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK", 84: 427–431. DOI|10.1017/S0025315404009397h
* Guerra, Á., Á.F. González & F. Rocha 2004b. PDFlink| [ A review of the records of giant squid in the north-eastern Atlantic and severe injuries in "Architeuthis dux" stranded after acoustic explorations.] |1.63 MiB ICES Annual Science Conference 22–25 September 2004, Vigo, Spain.
* Guerra, Á., Á.F. González, F. Rocha, J. Gracia & L. Laria 2006. "Enigmas de la Ciencia: El Calamar Gigante". CEPESMA, Vigo, Spain.
* Hirschmann, L. 2008. [ Researchers dissect behemoth squid found in Monterey Bay] . "San Jose Mercury News", June 27, 2008.
* Holroyd, J. 2005. [ New squid on the (ice) block.] "The Age", December 21, 2005.
* Hoving, H.J.T., J. Goud, E. Gittenberger & J.J. Videler 2006. [ A male giant squid, "Architeuthis" spec. (Cephalopoda, Architeuthidae) from the Fladen Ground in the northern North Sea] . "Basteria" 70(4–6): 153–160.
* Johnston, L. 2007. [ Squid find a first for fisherman] . "The Marlborough Express" August 29, 2007.
* Kettmann, M. 2008. [ What's 30 Feet Long with Eight Legs, a Big Beak, and a Life of Mystery?: Giant Squid Dissected at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History] . "Santa Barbara Independent", August 22, 2008.
* Kubodera, T. & K. Mori 2005. PDF| [ First-ever observations of a live giant squid in the wild.] |641 KiB "Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences", 272(1581):2583-2586.
* Landman, N.H., J. K. Cochran, R. Cerrato, J. Mak, C.F.E. Roper & C.C. Lu 2004. Habitat and age of the giant squid ("Architeuthis sanctipauli") inferred from isotopic analyses. "Marine Biology" 144(4): 685–691. DOI|10.1007/s00227-003-1245-y
* Lollar, K. 2007. [ Historic haul a giant dish of calimari: Experts think squid’s a special find] . "The News-Press" August 17, 2007.
* McNamara, J. 2008. [ Squid causes a giant commotion] . "Geelong Advertiser", May 27, 2008.
* Merwe, J.v.d. 2003. [ Sea creature's remains land up in squid fan's fridge] . "Sunday Times" (South Africa), August 24, 2003.
* Moore, B. 2002. [ Giant Squid Photo.] Newfoundland's Grand Banks Site.
* Morelle, R. 2006. [ Giant squid grabs London audience.] BBC News 28 February 2006.
* Norman, M.D. 2000. "Cephalopods: A World Guide". ConchBooks.
* O'Shea, S. 2003. [ Giant Squid and Colossal Squid Fact Sheet] . The Octopus News Magazine Online.
* O'Shea, S. N.d. [ Larval "Architeuthis" Distribution Off New Zealand] . The Octopus News Magazine Online.
* O'Shea, S. 2007. [ Location data for stranded and trawl-caught "Architeuthis" from New Zealand, 1954-2000] . The Octopus News Magazine Online.
* Reuters 2007. [ Rare giant squid washed up in Australia] . "Yahoo! News" July 11, 2007.
* Rusk, K. 2008. [ 25-foot squid found in Monterey Bay] . KGO-TV (ABC7), June 26, 2008.
* Soto, N.A., M.P. Johnson, P.T. Madsen, F. Díaz, I. Domínguez, A. Brito & P. Tyack 2008. Cheetahs of the deep sea: deep foraging sprints in short-finned pilot whales off Tenerife (Canary Islands). "Journal of Animal Ecology" DOI|10.1111/j.1365-2656.2008.01393.x
* Sweeney, M.J. 2002. [ Taxa Associated with the Family Architeuthidae Pfeffer, 1900] . Tree of Life Web Project.
* Sweeney, M.J. & C.F.E. Roper 2001. PDFlink| [ Records of "Architeuthis" Specimens from Published Reports.] |286 KiB National Museum of Natural History. Smithsonian Institution. 132 pp.
* Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service 2007. [ Rare giant squid washed up on Tas West Coast] . "Powerboat World" July 13, 2007.
* United Press International 2007. [ Giant squid caught off Italian coast] . August 23, 2007.
* Walker, M. 2008. [ Whales are 'cheetahs of the deep'] . BBC News, May 14, 2008.
* [ Cephalopod Science Forum.] The Octopus News Magazine Online.

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