- Harvey Skinner
Harvey Skinner is the inaugural Dean of the new Faculty of Health at
York University , beginningSeptember 1 ,2006 . [http://www.health.yorku.ca Faculty of Health, York University] Previously Professor and Chair of the Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine,University of Toronto , [ [http://www.phs.utoronto.ca Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto] ] Skinner was one of the first to focus on linkingbehavior change , organizational improvement andinformation technology (e-health ), which are summarized in his book, "Promoting Health Through Organizational Change"." ["Promoting Health Through Organizational Change", published by Benjamin Cummings: San Francisco, 2002] He has been a pioneer in the use ofcomputer technology forhealth assessment andbehavior change , and was one of the first to initiate a major program of research, [ [http://www.TeenNet.ca TeenNet.ca] ] using theInternet for engaging youth in healthpromotion . TeenNet has created innovative websites for smoking prevention and cessation, [ [http://www.SmokingZine.org SmokingZine.org] ]gambling education, [ [http://www.YouthBet.Net YouthBet.Net] ] and youth action. [ [htpp://www.GlobalYouthVoices.org GlobalYouthVoices.org]Profile
Skinner received his
PhD inPsychology from theUniversity of Western Ontario in 1975. He is a Registered Psychologist inOntario and a certified trainer in Motivational Interviewing. Skinner has broad experience in behavior change and organizational improvement, and regularly leads workshops on lowering resistance and enhancingmotivation for change at individual and organizational levels. He has a special interest in globalpublic health , with an emphasis onconflict resolution as exemplified in his 2005 Lancet article, "Promoting Arab and Israeli Cooperation: A Model for Peacebuilding through Health Initiatives". ["Promoting Arab and Israeli Cooperation: A Model for Peacebuilding through Health Initiatives", Lancet. 2005, 365:1274-77] Another example is the innovative program for engaging youth in health promotion called "Global Youth Voices". [ [http://www.GlobalYouthVoices.org GlobalYouthVoices.org] ]Skinner serves on the board of the
Canada International Scientific Exchange Program [ [http://www.cisepo.ca Cisepo.ca] ] that is involved in an innovative program,peacebuilding through health initiatives in theMiddle East . From 1997-2005, he was a Member of the Board of theCanadian Public Health Association . Additionally, he has served as an expert advisor to theWorld Health Organization , U.S. Institute of Medicine,National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ,National Institute on Drug Abuse , andFogarty International Center .Skinner is the author or co-author of 7 books, over 100 articles, and various assessment instruments. Three of his instruments are widely used internationally for the assessment of alcohol dependence (ADS:
Alcohol Dependence Scale ), the detection of drug problems (DAST:Drug Abuse Screening Test ), and assessment of family functioning (FAM:Family Assessment Measure ).In his personal life, Skinner enjoys
sailing andskiing , and is an avid runner, having completed sevenmarathon s.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.