Tilla Durieux

Tilla Durieux

Tilla Durieux (August 18 1880 – February 21 1971) was a renowned German actress of the first decades of the 20th century.

Born Odilie Godefroy, she trained in Vienna, her native town and got her first engagement in Breslau. Later she worked with Max Reinhardt and Erwin Piscator in Berlin.

In 1904, Durieux married the Berlin Secession painter Eugen Spiro, and after their divorce, she remarried in 1910 the successful art dealer and editor Paul Cassirer, who committed suicide in a room next to the court room that pronounced her divorce. Durieux remarried soon afterwards Ludwig Katzenellenbogen. In 1933 she left Germany for Switzerland to escape Nazi rule. In 1937 she moved to Zagreb (then in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia) where she remained until 1953.

External links

* [http://tilla.mdc.hr/En_Tilla_Durieux.aspx Tilla Durieux and her Art Collection]
* [http://www.metmuseum.org/works_of_art/collection_database/european_paintings/Tilla_Durieux_Ottilie_Godeffroy_1880_1971/viewObject.aspx?&OID=110001883&PgSz=1 Portrait of Tilla Durieux painted by Renoir: Metropolitan Museum of Art]

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