Mut'ah (arabic word)

Mut'ah (arabic word)

:"for other uses, see MutaMut'ah is an Arabic word meaning literally "joy". As a term, its main connotation is "Temporary Marriage" (Arabic: "Nikah Mut'ah").

General meaning

The word is used in the name of the Battle of Mu'tah. The root m-t-' has a great number of meanings, some of which are listed by "Ayatullah Maghniyah" in his "Fiqh al-Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq" [ :: Mut'ah, a comprehensive guide ] ] :

The Hans-Wehr dictionary gives the following meanings for the root m-t-' [Hans Wehr dictionary, p. 1045 [] ] :cquote|bgcolor=#F0FFF0|Verbal form: to carry away, take away; to be strong, firm, sold�To make enjoy; to furnish, equip supply; to give as a compensation�to gratify the eye; to make enjoy, to have the usufruct; to be blessed and to enjoy, savour, relish

Noun form: enjoyment, pleasure, delight, gratification; recreation; compensation paid to a divorced woman; Muta'h, temporary marriage, usufruct marriage contracted for a specified time.

Islamic Term

As an Islamic Term. "Ayatullah Maghniyah" in his "Fiqh al-Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq" continued :

Of those three, the most common meanings are:
*Nikah Mut'ah — The second Qur'anic Marriage form.
*Mut'ah of Hajj — relaxation between a Umrah and a Hajj.

Those two terms should not be confused with each other, as they are separate things and the Islamic Term "Mut'ah" can denote one or both of the Islamic Term Mut'ah of Hajj and the Islamic Term Nikah Mut'ah.

As narrated in the Hadith of Umar's speech of forbidding Mut'ah, Umar banned "Mut'ah" during his time as Caliph.
Sunnis, however, still practice a form of mutah called misyar. Sunni view that "Nikah Mut'ah" was abrogated, while Shi'a do not hold that view, hence they disagree on its current day permissibility.

See also

*Hadiths related to Mut'ah


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