big\ mouth — • loud mouth • big mouth noun slang A noisy, boastful, or foolish talker. Fritz is a loud mouth who cannot be trusted with secrets. When he has had a few drinks, Joe will make empty boasts like any other big mouth. See: loud mouth, loud mouthed … Словарь американских идиом
big mouth — or[big mouthed] See: LOUD MOUTH, LOUD MOUTHED … Dictionary of American idioms
big mouth — or[big mouthed] See: LOUD MOUTH, LOUD MOUTHED … Dictionary of American idioms
big, large — Each of these words refers to quantity and size and in most speaking and writing situations can be used interchangeably (a big building, a large building). Large, however, carries a meaning of immensity or importance not conveyed by big (a man of … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
loud\ mouth — • loud mouth • big mouth noun slang A noisy, boastful, or foolish talker. Fritz is a loud mouth who cannot be trusted with secrets. When he has had a few drinks, Joe will make empty boasts like any other big mouth. See: loud mouth, loud mouthed … Словарь американских идиом
big-mouthed — • loud mouthed • big mouthed adj slang talking noisily, boastfully, or foolishly. Fred was a loud mouthed fellow, whose talk no one listened to. If I were you, I would not listen to that loud mouthed boy. See: loud mouth, big mouth … Словарь американских идиом
loud-mouthed — • loud mouthed • big mouthed adj slang talking noisily, boastfully, or foolishly. Fred was a loud mouthed fellow, whose talk no one listened to. If I were you, I would not listen to that loud mouthed boy. See: loud mouth, big mouth … Словарь американских идиом
loud mouth — or[big mouth] {n.}, {slang} A noisy, boastful, or foolish talker. * /Fritz is a loud mouth who cannot be trusted with secrets./ * /When he has had a few drinks, Joe will make empty boasts like any other big mouth./ … Dictionary of American idioms
loud mouth — or[big mouth] {n.}, {slang} A noisy, boastful, or foolish talker. * /Fritz is a loud mouth who cannot be trusted with secrets./ * /When he has had a few drinks, Joe will make empty boasts like any other big mouth./ … Dictionary of American idioms
mouth — noun /maʊθ / (say mowth) (plural mouths /maʊðz / (say mowdhz)) 1. the opening through which an animal takes in food, or the cavity containing or the parts including the masticating apparatus. 2. the masticating and tasting apparatus. 3. a person… …