Miljoenenjacht (Belgium)

Miljoenenjacht (Belgium)
For the Dutch version, also called Miljoenenjacht, see Miljoenenjacht (Netherlands).

Miljoenenjacht (Dutch pronunciation: [mɪɫjunənjɑxt]; English: Hunt For Millions) was the original Belgian version of Deal or No Deal that aired on VTM. It was hosted by Walter Grootaers, and the top prize was 1,000,000. The show has recently switched networks and now has a new title, Te Nemen of Te Laten, along with a new host, "Felice". It is currently airing on VijfTV and has a top prize of200,000.

Case Values

0.01 1,000
0.2 3,000
0.5 5,000
1 10,000
5 15,000
10 20,000
20 25,000
50 50,000
100 100,000
200 200,000
300 300,000
400 500,000
500 1,000,000
