L. Fry

L. Fry

L. (Leslie) Fry (pen name of Paquita de Shishmareff [http://www.ajcarchives.org/AJC_DATA/Files/THR-AF12.PDF] ) is primarily known for her authorship of "Waters Flowing Eastward".

She met Henry Ford in or around 1920, and presented him with a copy of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". She conceived the conspiracy theory involving Asher Ginzberg (known by his Hebrew name as Achad Ha'am, meaning "one of the people"). Graf Rewentlau had named her as the source of the "Protocols of Zion" and published it in April 1921 in the periodical "La Vieille France", which often included anti-Semitic material.

Essentially, she concocted the view that Jews were to blame for both World War I and Bolshevism, alleging that Freemasons were involved as well. The aim was "World Domination". All this was deduced from the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion".


*Library of Congress::Akhad-Kham, Asher Gint︠s︡berg.:"Taĭnyĭ vozhdʹ īudeĭskīĭ.: Perevod s frantsuzskago": [of Miss L. Fry by Th. Vinberg, being an attempt to prove:the "Protokoly Sīonskikh Mudret︠s︡ov":published in a work by S. A. Nilus:to be a work by U. Ginzberg] .:by Leslie Fry; Thedor Viktorovich Vinberg:Type: Microform:Language: Russian:Publisher: Berlin, 1922.:OCLC: 84780936

*British Library:: System number 002659956:Author - personal NILUS, Sergei Aleksandrovich.:Title Протоколы Сіонскихъ Мудрецовъ, по тексту С. А. Нилуса. Всемирный тайный заговоръ.: [The text of the “Protocols” adapted from M. Joly’s:“Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu ... par un Contemporain”:taken from S. A. Nilus’s Великое въ Маломъ,:preceded by Miss L. Fry’s Ахадъ-Хамъ.:Тайный вождь іудейскій in Th. Vinberg’s translation,:being an attempt to prove the “Protocols” to be a work by U. Ginzberg,:with a preface to the whole by A. Rogovich.:With this there are two cuttings from “The Times” and one from “Послѣднія Извѣстія” on the subject.:With an illustration.] :Publisher/year Linkpp. 124. Берлинъ, 1922.:Physical descr. 8º.:Added name FRY, Leslie.: GINZBERG, Asher Zvi.: JOLY, Maurice.: ROGOVICH, A.: VINBERG, Thedor Viktorovich.:Holdings (All) Details:Shelfmark C.37.ee.2. Request

* Waters Flowing Eastward
**1st Edition (Paris: Editions R.I.S.S., 1931)
**2nd Edition Revised 1933
**3rd Edition Revised 1934
**4th Edition Revised 1953
**5th Edition Enlarged 1965 Subtitle: The War Against the Kingship of Christ, (Denis Fahey's imprint)
**6th Edition 1988 (Copyright 1988 Flanders Hall Publishers)
**7th Edition 1998
**Current [2007] Web edition [http://book-case.kroupnov.ru/pages/library/Waters/] .

* In Defense of Youth
* Will the University of California be Seized by Communists?
* Planned Economy
* The New Order
* California Betrayed
* "varrious pamphlets on Fionism"
* "Who Put Hitler in Power"
* article(s):in Women's Voice: ed. by Mrs. Van Hyning

ee also

*Asher Hirsch Ginsberg
*Denis Fahey
*Fyodor Viktorovich Vinberg
*Serge Nilus


*Ben-Itto, Hadassa:The Lie That Wouldn't Die: "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion":(London • Portland, OR: Valentine Mitchell, 2005)

*Fry, L.:Waters Flowing Eastward:ibid.

External links

*"Waters Flowing Eastward", by L. Fry [http://crashrecovery.org/Waters/index.htm] .
*Photograph of Mrs. Leslie Fry with Henry Allen, Conrad Chapman, and Mr. Gurin in 1937 [http://digital-library.csun.edu/cdm4/item_viewer.php?CISOROOT=/InOurOwnBackyard&CISOPTR=137&CISOBOX=1&REC=2]
*Photograph Source: California State University, Northridge, Oviatt Library, Special Collections and Archives [http://library.csun.edu/spcoll/]

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