- List of government enterprises of Norway
This is a list of Norwegian government owned companies. In addition to this the government of Norway ownes publicly tradet stock domestically through
Folketrygdfoldet and internationally throughThe Government Pension Fund of Norway . The list isas of 2005 .Wholly owned
Argentum Fondsinvesteringer (Investments)
*Avinor (Airports)
*BaneService (Railway construction and maintenance)
*Bjørnøen (Real estate)
*Eksportutvalget for fisk (Promotion of fish)
*Electronic Chart Centre (Cartography)
* Enova (Promotion of energy saving)
*Entra Eiendom (Real estate)
*Fisk og kyst
*Flytoget (Railway)
*Gassco (Natural gas pipes)
*Helse Midt-Norge (Health services)
*Helse Nord (Health services)
*Helse Sør (Health services)
*Helse Vest (Health services)
*Helse Øst (Health services)
*Husbanken (Banking)
* Kings Bay (Mining)
* Mesta (Road construction and maintenance)
*Nationaltheatret (Theatre)
*Kompetansesenter for IT i helse- og sosialsektoren (IT systems for the health sector)
*Norfund (Investments)
*Norsk Eiendomsinformasjon (Real estate database)
*Norsk Rikskringkasting (Television and radio broadcasting)
*Norsk Samfunnsvitenskapelig Datatjeneste (Research)
*Norsk Syklotronforskning (Research)
*Norsk Tipping (Lotteries and gambling)
*Norwegian State Railways (Railway)
*Petoro (Petroleum)
* Posten Norge (Postal services)
*Statkraft (Electricity production)
*Statnett (Electricity lines)
*Statskog (Forestry and real estate)
*Staur Gård (Farm)
* SIVA (Research)
*Uninett (Network services)
*Universitetssenteret på Svalbard (Research)
*Venturefondet (Investments)
*Veterinærmedisinsk Oppdragssenter (Research)
*Vinmonopolet (Alcoholic beverege retailer)hared ownership
Store Norske Spitsbergen Kulkompani (99.9%, Mining)
*Norwegian National Opera (90.0%, Opera)
*Kommunalbanken (80.0%, Banking)
*Simula Research Laboratory (80.0%, Research)
*Norsk Filmstudio (77.6%, Film studio)
*StatoilHydro (70.9%, Petroleum, ose|STL)
* Carte Blanche (70.0%)
*Den Nationale Scene (66.7%, Theatre)
*Rogaland Teater (66.7%, Theatre)
*Trøndelag Teater (66.7%, Theatre)
*Protevs (66.0%)
*Telenor (54.0%, Telecommunications, ose|TEL)
*Kongsberg Gruppen (50.0%, Defence and Maritime Technology, ose|KOG)
*BaneTele (50.0%, Network services)
*Nammo (50.0%, Ammunition industry)
*Kimen Såvarelaboratoriet (51.0%)
*Fiskeriforskning (49.0%, Research)
*Instrumenttjenesten (45.0%)
*Blindes Produkter (44,4%)
*Norsk Hydro (43.8%, Aluminium and petroleum, ose|NHY)
*Cermaq (43.5%, Aquaculture, ose|CEQ)
*Beaivvas Sami Theater (40.0%, Theatre)
*Yara International (36.2%, Fertilizer manufacturing, ose|YAR)
*DnB NOR (34.0%, Banking, ose|DNBBOR)
*Graminor (34.0%)
*Stor-Oslo Lokaltrafikk (33.3%, Public transport)
*Aker Holding (30.0%, through this owning 12.0% ofAker Kværner ose|AKVER
*Eksportfinans (15.0%)
* Nordiske Investeringsbanken (19.1%)
*SAS Group (14.3%, Airline, ose|SAS NOK)
*NORUT Gruppen (11.6%)
*Kompetansesenter for IT i helse- og sosialsektoren (10.5%, IT services)
*Akvaforsk (10.0%, Research)
* Rosenkrantzgt. 10 (10%, Real Estate)
*Bioparken (8.0%)
*Industritjeneste (7.3%)ee also
Government of Norway
*Economy of Norway References
* [http://www.eierberetningen.nhd.no/index.gan?id=35 Report on government owwnership]
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