

), or dark organic matter.

The term stylolite is derived from the Greek for pillar, "stylo". Compare the French 'stylo' for pencil, and 'stylite' for 'pillar saint', an ascetic deliberately living standing on top of a pillar.

A stylolite is "not" a structural fracture, although they have been described as a form of 'anti-crack', with the sides moving together rather than apart [Fletcher, C.C. and Pollard, D.D. 1981 Anticrack model for pressure solution surfaces. Geology, 9, 419-24.] . Proof exists in the form of eg. fossiliferous limestones where fossils are crosscut by a stylolite and only one half still exists; the other half has been dissolved away. Rye & Bradbury (1988) [Rye, DM, and Bradbury, HJ (1988): Fluid flow in the crust: an example from a Pyrenean thrust ramp. American Journal of Science (288): 197-235.] investigated 13/12C and 18/16O stable isotope systematics in limestone on either side of a stylolite plane and found differences confirming different degrees of fluid-rock interaction.


* [ Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary]
* [ S. Sinha-Roy, "Kinetics of differentiated stylolite formation", Current Science, V. 82, No. 8, 25 April 2002]

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