Richard Cobb

Richard Cobb

Richard Cobb (1917-1996) was a British historian. He became Professor of Modern History at the University of Oxford, after an initially unconventional academic career in which he spent a dozen years working as an independent scholar in French archives. His work was recognised in France by the award of membership of the Legion d'Honneur. He is known for his work on the background to the French Revolution, and for his autobiographical writings.

Principal works

*"The People's Armies"
*"Terreur et subsistances, 1783-1795"
*"A Second Identity: Essays on France and French History"
*"The Police and the People: French Popular Protest, 1789-1820"
*"Reactions to the French Revolution"
*"Paris and its provinces, 1792-1802"
*"A Sense of Place"
*"Tour De France"
*"Death in Paris, 1795-1801"
*"Promenades. A Historian's Appreciation of Modern French Literature"
*"The Streets of Paris"
*"French and Germans, Germans and French. A personal interpretation of France under two occupations, 1914-1918/1940-1944"
*"Still Life: Sketches from a Tunbridge Wells Childhood"
*"A Classical Education"
*"People and Places"
*"Something to Hold on to"
*"The End of the Line" (1997, published posthumously)
*"Paris and Elsewhere" (2004, published posthumously)

External links

*worldcat id|lccn-n83-42515

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