RTL Matin

RTL Matin

"RTL Matin" ("RTL Morning") is the main morning news programme on the French generalist commercial radio network RTL. It goes out on Mondays to Fridays between 7.00 and 8.50 and is France's most listened-to news programme. [ [http://www.mediametrie.fr/resultats.php?resultat_id=455&rubrique=rad] Médiamétrie audience measurement (in French)]

From what had originally begun as a morning music sequence incorporating regular news bulletins, "RTL Matin" eventually developed into an "all-news" programme as the proportion of time given over to news, comment and background reports gradually grew.

The programme's main presenter since 2006 has been Christophe Hondelatte, who also presents the culture and entertainment review "Laissez-Vous Tenter", which follows between 9.00 and 9.30 each weekday morning.


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