Antonio Cermeño — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Antonio Cermeño Coloso (nacido el 6 de marzo de 1969 en Río Chico, Miranda) es un boxeador retirado de Venezuela que fue campeón de los pesos super gallo y pluma de la Asociación Mundial de Boxeo. Predecesor:… … Wikipedia Español
Liste der Boxweltmeister der WBA — In dieser Liste stehen alle Boxer, die sich den Weltmeistertitel der World Boxing Association (kurz WBA) holten. Ursprung der WBA ist die National Boxing Association (kurz NBA), die sich 1921 gründete. 1962 änderte die NBA ihren Namen in WBA um.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Champions du monde poids super coqs de boxe anglaise — Liste des champions du monde de boxe poids super coqs reconnus par les organisations suivantes : La WBA (World Boxing Association), fondée en 1921 et succédant à la NBA (National Boxing Association) en 1962, La WBC (World Boxing Council),… … Wikipédia en Français
Champions du monde poids super-coqs de boxe anglaise — Liste des champions du monde de boxe poids super coqs reconnus par les organisations suivantes : La WBA[1] (World Boxing Association), fondée en 1921 et succédant à la NBA (National Boxing Association) en 1962, La WBC[2] (World Boxing… … Wikipédia en Français
Wilfredo Vázquez — (born 2 August 1960) is a boxer born in Bayamón, Puerto Rico. He is a former World Champion at three different weights, Bantamweight, Super bantamweight and Featherweight.Professional careerVázquez was not convinced that he wanted to be a… … Wikipedia
Список чемпионов мира по боксу во втором легчайшем весе — Эта статья содержит незавершённый перевод с французского языка. Вы можете помочь проекту, переведя её до конца. Чемпион по боксу во 2 м легчайшем весе титул, присуждаемый спортсмена … Википедия
1969 in sports — yearbox in?=in sports cp=19th century c=20th century cf=21st century yp1=1966 yp2=1967 yp3=1968 year=1969 ya1=1970 ya2=1971 ya3=1972 dp3=1930s dp2=1940s dp1=1950s d=1960s da=0 dn1=1970s dn2=1980s dn3=1990s|AthleticsMarathon* August 16 mdash;… … Wikipedia
Wilfredo Vázquez — Fiche d’identité Nom complet Wilfredo Vázquez Olivera Surnom El Orgullo de Puerto Rico Nationalité … Wikipédia en Français
Felix "Tuto" Zabala — (born October 18, 1936) was a Miami based boxing promoter and boxing manager. He was a promoter and manager of about 50 fighters for forty years, handling world champions, contenders, and weaker fighters. Boxing historian Hank Kaplan considers… … Wikipedia
Freddie Norwood — (born February 14, 1970 in St. Louis, Missouri) is a boxer in the lightweight division. Known as Lil Hagler , Norwood defeated Antonio Cermeño to win the WBA Featherweight Title title in 1998. He successfully defended his title eight times before … Wikipedia