Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebotes

Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebotes

"Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebotes" ( _en. The Obligation of the First and Foremost Commandment), K. 35, is a sacred musical play ("geistliches Singspiel") composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1767 when he was 11 years old. It is Mozart's first opera or, more specifically, "sacred drama", as is suggested by the name. The libretto is now attributed to Ignaz Anton von Weiser, although Johann Adam Wieland or Jakob Anton Marianus Wimmer had been suggested earlier. (The title page of the libretto ascribes it only to "J.A.W.".) [http://opera.stanford.edu/Mozart/Schuldigkeit/main.html OperaGlass summary at stanford.edu] , accessed on October 6, 2007]

Only the first part of the opera was composed by Mozart; the second and third parts were contributed by Michael Haydn and Anton Cajetan Adlgasser respectively. However, these other two parts have not survived. [ [http://www.wienmozart2006.at/jart/projects/mozart2006-web-v1/main.jart?rel=en&reserve-mode=&content-id=1134902024850&ds=gen_konz&prjid=1130933616086 WienMozart2006 page on "Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots"] , accessed on October 6, 2007]

Part I of the opera was first performed on March 12, 1767 in the Knight's Hall of the Palace of the Archbishop, Salzburg. Part II was performed on March 19, and Part III on March 26.


ee also

List of Mozart's operas


External links

* [http://www.opera-guide.ch/libretto.php?id=233&uilang=de&lang=de Libretto]

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