The Suite Life of Zack & Cody recurring characters

The Suite Life of Zack & Cody recurring characters

The following is a list of recurring and minor characters in the Disney Channel Original Series "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody". Interesting to note is that the show regularly rotates these characters; often disappearing for the rest of the series over time.

Minor Characters

These are the minor characters appearing in the show.

Tipton Staff

*Wilfred Tipton (voiced by Bob Joles) -- He is the owner of the Tipton hotel and father to London, and has not actually appeared (although his voice was heard in "Not So Suite 16" and "Lip Synchin' in the Rain"). It is not actually clear how he became the owner of the Tipton, because London mentions many times that her father bought the hotel. However, in a few episodes, it is said that Tipton's ancestors owned the hotel first before he did. This may yet be another example of London's ignorance, or a continuity error or that the Tiptons have not owned it for some time and he bought it back. In the episode "Rock Star in the House", Wilfred Tipton is adamant about London's behavior to Celebrities, thus making her think that Wilfred's name is actually "Adamant". His hand was once seen in the episode "Lip Synchin' in the Rain", in which he was wearing a diamond ring. Wilfred Tipton also has a history of marrying much younger women without London's consent, most of whom do not last long.Note: Apparently, The warranty of Wilfred's wedding gift's (given by Mr. Moseby) lasted longer than the marriages.

* Esteban Julio Ricardo Motoya De La Rosa Ramirez (Adrian R'Mante) – Esteban is the head bellman at the Tipton. He is often quoted saying "This is a DISASTER". He is very close to his heritage, which is of an unspecified Hispanic or South American origin. He has a pet strange looking chicken with blue feet named Dudley, to whom he seems to be quite attached. Esteban wants to manage the Tipton and is a gifted dancer. Though he frequently does stupid, naive, or clumsy things, he is smarter than he has given credit for and has a huge heart, displayed many times throughout the series. In the dancing episode, after he and the nurse, Shannon Quine, dance awesomely, they are briefly shown kissing. It is also stated he is descended from royalty in several episodes and in one becomes temporarily rich because of his royal family. However, his royal family is deposed.

*Arwin Quentin Hawkhauser (Brian Stepanek) is the crazy 34-year-old inventor who works as an engineer for the Tipton and holds his socks up with duct tape. He has a crush on Carey, as shown in many episodes but is afraid to act upon it. Arwin coaches Zack and Cody's basketball team. He hates carrots and is allergic to horses, as shown in Free Tippy. In Kisses & Basketball, Bowling, and Going for the Gold, Carey kisses him; he fainted each time. It is also shown that he has a picture of Carey in his office that lights up when he claps his hands, as well as a cardboard cutout of her. Arwin was a professional bowler, as illustrated in Bowling. He also is known for being obsessed with his mother; he lived with her for his whole life until she was married and moved out as shown in, The Arwin That Came To Dinner. He stopped bowling because his mother's obsessive cheering (which was actually threats) made him nervous in competition and he accidentally threw the ball and it hit her head (making her shorter by a foot). Arwin is considered childlike by many characters in the show; he enjoys picture books, sleeps with a sock monkey, and eats a lunch packed by his mother.

A spin-off television series was planned about him, where he goes to live with his sister to help her take care of her children. The series name ideas consisted of Arwin! and Housebroken. It was, however, never picked up.

*Muriel (played by Estelle Harris (84) and Ashley Tisdale (young) — The hotel housekeeper, who is good-natured but lazy. She is usually seen sitting down with her feet up (when she is not stealing money from guests). Muriel once dated mobster Alphonse "Hot Peppers" DeLeo, before joining the Tipton in 1938, as shown in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad Hotel". In "Big Hair & Baseball", she claimed that she knew Babe Ruth and was the first one to call him "Babe". Muriel was not seen in season 2 but again in Season 3 with white hair. In "Mr. Tipton Comes To Visit" we learn that Muriel retired two years ago. (The cause of her disappearance was probably because Estelle Harris was getting too old.) She does appear one last time in Season 3. Muriel's catch phrase is, "I'm not cleaning that up."

*Lance Fishman (played by Aaron Musicant) — An easy-going but not too bright lifeguard, whom Maddie goes out with in the episode "Hotel Hangout". He only talks about water, causing Maddie to dump him. An example of his water obsession is in the episode "Back in the Game", where he suggests tearing open the street to make a pool for Maddie's film. While he was dating Maddie, he asked her if she liked the word Chlorine, for a girl's name. London believed that Maddie and Lance were back together when she saw Lance showing Maddie the CPR procedure in the episode "Rumors". The two are currently just friends. Lance is also a bad ballroom dancer as shown in "Loosely Ballroom" and actor, illustrated in "Back in the Game". He starts dating London at the end of "Sink or Swim". Shortly after dating, Lance decides to break up with her after meeting another woman, Wanda, in the episode, "The Arwin That Came to Dinner". In "Arwinstein", Lance claims he owns a fish.

* Nia Moseby (played by Giovonnie Samuels) - Nia is Mr. Moseby's niece. She has a part time job at the candy counter, filling in for Maddie during her absence. Her purpose for staying at the Tipton for the summer is so Mr. Moseby can get her to behave like a responsible girl. One of Nia's aunt's named Aunt Lilly was to make her behave like a responsible adult, but she couldn't stand Nia so much that she changed her name and moved to Alaska. Nia currently appears in six episodes in Season 3. According to Mr. Moseby, she was expelled from her last school for fighting with the cafeteria lady because she was out of matzo ball soup. In the episode First Day of High School, she is seen defending Zack from a jock. Nia goes along with Zack, London, Cody and Mr. Moseby sets off to The S.S. Tipton for a High School Program.

* Irene (played by Sharon Jordan) — The concierge for the Tipton Hotel, Irene is usually seen in the background during scenes in the lobby. She has red curly hair. In "Boston Tea Party", she gets her first speaking part. Irene sabotaged Maddie's traveling candy cart in "Nurse Zack", to which Maddie alludes to Irene not having very many speaking parts by replying, "It's always the quiet ones."

* Norman (played by Anthony Acker) — The doorman for the Tipton Hotel, Norman's first appearance was in the episode "Free Tippy". He is also usually a background character, but is shown to have a hiding spot for Zack's belongings when he skips school in "What the Hey".

* Skippy (played by Bo Crutcher) — The night-manager of the Tipton Hotel, he grew up in a farm and said his grandfather was scary. He is not very bright, and appears to be frightened of Mr. Moseby. He first appeared in "Scary Movie", but Mr. Moseby called him Sparky, although it is possible that Mr. Moseby did not know his name, because he called him his night-manager while in other episodes he calls him Skippy. Skippy was left in charge of the hotel in the episode "I Want My Mummy".

* Deborah (played by Brenda Vivian) — Is a maid at the Tipton. She attended Cody's party in "Odd Couples", and competed in the competition for Employee of the Month in "Nurse Zack", in which Maddie stole her cart and turned into a traveling candy counter.

* Rose (played by Emily Morris) — Is a maid at the Tipton. Her first appearance was in the episode "Odd Couples", and she later appeared in "Nurse Zack".

* Rich (Chris Doyle) and Gary (Rick Sawaya) — Are two unfortunate waiters at the Tipton restaurant. An example of their bad luck appears in "Heck's Kitchen", when they were hit by doors. This is what happened in "Twins At The Tipton": Maddie: Moseby where's Patrick?Moseby: He crashed his foreign sports car.London: Why isn't Rich filling in for him?Moseby: Rich is the one he crashed into.Maddie: What about Gary?Moseby: Gary got hit by the ambulance, this way.Rich would later appear in the episode Nurse Zack.

* Chef Paolo (played by Jerry Kernion) — The Tipton chef seen in three episodes: "Heck's Kitchen", "Health and Fitness", and "Foiled Again". He is easily insulted when people dislike his cooking. Paolo enjoys eating, and bacon bits were found in his blood during a cholesterol test. Cody helped Chef Paolo overcome his eating issues in the episode "Health and Fitness".

*Millicent (played by Kara Taitz) is Maddie's replacement at the hotel's candy counter while she is at camp. Millicent is easily frightened, and has trouble making up her mind. She stated in the episode "Team Tipton" that she has trust, abandonment, and fear issues. An interesting habit she has is that when she is scared, upset or confused, she grabs some of her hair and picks individual strands apart. In one episode Mr Moseby says, "London, stop asking Millicent questions."

*Grace (played by Naomi Chan) is an emotionless towel maid at the Tipton who appeared in "Ah! Wilderness" while Carey was painting. In "Orchestra", she is given the name Grace and attempts to teach London how to do her job.

*Patrick (played by Patrick Bristow) — The maître d' for the Tipton Hotel's restaurant. One of the most sarcastic characters on the show, he treats everyone with disdain, especially Zack and Cody. He likes coconut flavored chewing gum, and dislikes Maddie because she does not stock it (as shown in the episode "Big Hair and Baseball"). He is seen in the Tipton Commercial in "Commercial Breaks", and has a girlish shriek, as shown in the episode "Heck's Kitchen". Due to London's generous tips, Patrick has been able to afford a foreign sports car (indicated in "Twins at the Tipton"). However, Mr. Moseby claims that Patrick wrecked it by crashing into fellow waiter Rich, and when the ambulance showed up, another waiter Gary got hit by the ambulance, leaving Mr. Moseby to take Patrick's place at the Tipton Restaurant. His favorite musical is Bye Bye Birdie as revealed in "Birdman of Boston".

*Chuck(played by Dossett March)-The waiter who Maddie had a crush on in Season one. He has made background appearances since. He first appeared in Grounded on the 23rd Floor.

*Steve-The luggage carrier who first appeared in Benchwarmers.

*Scott-The bagle boy at the Tipton Hotel. He first appeared in the episode Nurse Zack in the competition. His first speaking role was in Team Tipton when he gave the cast bagels.

Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow staff and students

* Sister Dominick (played by Marianne Muellerleile) — London and Maddie's teacher who works at Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow as a nun/teacher. She seems to favor London over Maddie, even though Maddie is the harder working student. Sister Dominick is strict and very religious. Her cell phone’s ring tone is, "Hallelujah Chorus," to which she answers, "Bless you for calling." It has been revealed that she and the other nuns are infatuated with wrestling, and that Sister Dominick herself has a 'mean body slam' in the episode "What The Hey".

* Mary-Margaret (played by Monique Coleman) — Mary-Margaret is Maddie's friend from school. Not much is known about her, except she's smart and only likes London for her money and possessions. When she first met London, she initially seemed to be annoyed, as shown in "A Prom Story", but in "Forever Plaid" and "Not So Suite 16", she appeared to be London's friend. Mary-Margaret is on Maddie's volleyball team along with London and Leslie, as shown in "Volley Dad".

* Corrie (played by Vanessa Hudgens) — Corrie is a schoolmate of Maddie, Mary Margaret, and her idol London at Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow. She is very perky, obsessed with London, and not very bright.

* Leslie (played by Kaycee Stroh) - She is a classmate of London, Maddie, Mary-Margaret, and Corrie and on the volleyball team with them. Leslie is bright, bubbly, and eager to see people happy. She is seen transferring to Cheevers High School in "BenchWarmers".

Friends of Zack & Cody

* Max (played by Alyson Stoner) — One of Zack and Cody's friends, she is a girl who usually wears pigtails and is sometimes mistaken for a boy (a running gag throughout the series). She once had a crush on Zack as shown in the episode "Kisses & Basketball". Max is portrayed as a great dancer (as shown in the episodes "Footloser", "Hotel Hangout, and "Club Twin", and "Torn between two Londons"). Max has appeared in six episodes through 2 seasons.

* Tapeworm (played by Dennis Bendersky) — One of Zack and Cody's friends, Tapeworm received his nickname when he ate 20 hotdogs in 2 minutes. His real name is unknown. He is strange and a math genius. In the episode "Band in Boston", he was the drummer for "Rock Squared". Tapeworm in total has made four appearances. He did not appear in Season 3.

* ‎Jessica and Janice Ellis (played by Rebecca and Camilla Rosso) — Two British English twins. After they visited the Tipton in Boston for a twin convention (as seen in "Twins at the Tipton"), they enrolled in Zack and Cody's school. Cody always ends up getting both girls, while Zack gets neither, even though it is generally his idea to go out with them in the first place. They appeared in Season 3 in "Benchwarmers". All together, they have appeared in seven episodes.
* Barbera Margaret Brownstein (played by Sophie Tamiko Oda) — A girl occasionally seen. She entered a science contest in "Rock Star in the House", in which her volcano was dormant, entered a spelling bee in "Neither a Borrower Nor a Speller Bee", where she misspelled fracas and was eliminated, and worked on the school paper in the episode "Ask Zack". In the episode "Club Twin", she becomes addicted to sugar and kisses Cody, and later goes on a date with him in "Miniature Golf" and "A Tale of Two Houses". She is also Jewish, even though she is into Japanese culture it is revealed that her relatives are from Japan. It is proved she is Jewish in "Miniature Golf." She gives Cody an amazing protractor and says with a smile, "I got it for Hannukah."Fact|date=October 2007. Barbara is very academically competitive, as shown in "Graduation". She and Cody confessed their love for each other in the episode "Orchestra" and kissed on stage. She has since been in seven episodes in the whole series. Barbara’s last appearance was in "Benchwarmers", but production code wise is "Romancing The Phone". In "Torn between two Londons", she bumps her head and thinks she's London Tipton.

* ‎Agnes (played by Allie Grant) — Agnes is a girl who goes to school with Zack and Cody and has a crush on both of them (seemingly whichever one suits her at the time) and would aggressively try to get the boy. She often says "Agnes Likes." Agnes makes four appearances in the whole series. She made one of her last cameos in the series in the episode "Benchwarmers" and will disappear after "Torn between two Londons". She also appeared in one episode of That’s So Raven with "Max".

* Warren (played by Gus Hoffman) — A friend of Zack and Cody from school. Warren attends Camp Knock-a-Number along with Cody and Tapeworm in "Cody Goes to Camp". He is also in the Grizzly Scouts along with Zack, Cody and Bob, with Mr. Moseby as their scout leader. Warren appears in 4 episodes in the series. He did not appear in season 3

* Mark (played by Tyler Steelman) — Mark was first introduced in Season 2 "Club Twin" where he attended the Zack and Cody's Club. In season 3, he went to summer school with Zack in "Summer of our Discontent". He is shown as nervous, and has problems making up his mind. On a test, he circled A, B, C, and D for each question. In "First Day of High School", Mark announced that he knows Tae Kwan Do and takes classes at the Tae Kwon Deli.

* Gwen (Played by Selena Gomez) Is a girl Cody likes that Zack has to kiss in a midsummer’s nightmare. She and Cody eventually break up.

* Vanessa (played by Gage Golightly) is a girl Zack likes that has a crush on Cody.

* Theo Cavanaugh (played by Mike Weinberg) is a snobby rich kid who makes fun of Cody, which is why Zack eventually stops being friends with him.

* Trent is a kid on Zack and Cody's basketball team in season 2. He and Bob replaced Max and Tapeworm, who were on the team in season 1.

*Bob (played by Charlie Stewart)is one of the boys' best friends. He is dyslexic. Zack meets him in school one day when he was moved into a regular class from a special education class because he was doing so well in it. He likes to play Total World Conquest with the boys and Cody's friends, Warren and Jeremy, though they almost never finish their games because Zack and Cody usually end up fighting. Bob, as shown in "Smart & Smarterer" and "Odd Couples", is somewhat impatient. He speaks fluent French, as illustrated in the episode "French 101". In the episode, Back in the Game, one of his beliefs is frequent, short naps. In "Forever Plaid", he states that his favorite subject is Science. Bob is shown to also be talented in wood shop, creating a very well made rocking chair. He has a (possibly twin) sister, as shown in "Election", and a younger brother mentioned in "Twins at the Tipton". Bob likes to visits Zack and Cody just because the doorman calls him "sir." He was Puck the Fairy in the show's version of A Midsummer Night's Dream, is on their basketball team and worked at the boys' club seen in "Club Twin" selling soda. Bob is very vulnerable to poison oak, shown in the episode "Ah! Wilderness". In the episode Super Twins, he is the first (and the only) child to be adultified by the Meanager (Moseby) — which causes the twins remark later that he has a booming insurance business. However, this is dropped when Zack turns back time at the end of episode. Bob is one of Zack and Cody's most frequent friends featured on the show with 18 appearances. In "Bob's Crush", he falls for Carey Martin.

Other characters

* ‎Ilsa Shickelgrubermeiger (played by Caroline Rhea) — Ilsa is the mean-spirited, German hotel inspector-turned-manager of the rival hotel, the St. Mark Hotel, across the street. She is rude, has a large mole (or 'beauty mark') on her face (which is unknown to her, as she usually replies "Vat mole?"), and dislikes Mr. Moseby for making her lose her hotel inspector's job. After "Hotel Inspector", she got married; her full name was revealed in "Cookin' With Romeo and Juliet" (Ilsa Shickelgrubermeiger-Von Helsinger Kepelugerhoffer). When Cody mentions that it must take forever to write on her underwear, she reveals she has a stamp. One of her dreams is to turn the Tipton Hotel into a parking lot, and have Mr. Moseby park the cars. In "Bowling", it appears that she has an odd sense of humor, as she says, "Left! Left! Left my husband with 28 kids! Right! Right! Right in the middle of the living room floor!" Some parts of her personality seem to be reminiscent of the Wicked Witch of the West from "The Wizard of Oz"; for instance, in the episode "Bowling" she states, "I'll get you next time, my pretty, and your little shtaff too!" She also uses the line, "I'll get you next time and your little dog too," in the episode "Hotel Inspector". In the episode "Bowling", Mr. Moseby makes a reference to The Biggest Loser, the show Caroline Rhea hosts, by saying "Ha! Who's the biggest loser now!" It is mentioned in a few episodes that she has a dachshund named Blitzkrieg, who is vicious. She was originally supposed to return for "Team Tipton" but it never happened.

* Mr. George Forgess (played by Ernie Grunwald) - One of Zack and Cody's teachers from "Smart & Smarterer". He is often shown as a nervous character and frequently stumbles over his words. It may be possible that he is dyslexic, like his special education student Bob, a friend of the twins. He later appears in "A Midsummer's Nightmare" as runner of the drama club, and in "Graduation" as the head of Zack and Cody's graduation. Mr. Forgess claims he drives his mother's car, which he says has chrome spinners. Mr. Forgess has appeared in three episodes throughout the series.

* Snooty Saleswoman (played by Donna Cherry) - She appears in "Not So Suite 16" and "What the Hey". Snooty is a 25-year-old woman who works in the jewelry and clothing department of a department store. She dislikes the twins, and worships London Tipton. An example of her London worship is the time she insulted Carey until she found out that Carey knew London. The Snooty Saleswoman has appeared in two episodes throughout the series. She also appears in Hannah Montana.

* Portia Tenenbaum is the rich frenemy of London. In some episodes, they are friends and in other episodes, they are competitors. The two speak by telephone and go on shopping trips together (most of times to Paris). In the episode "Neither a Borrower Nor a Speller Bee", Portia had gained publicity doing charity works. London also competes with her for more fame on the internet with her own webshow called " [ Yay Me! Starring London Tipton] ". In "Cody Goes to Camp" Mr. Moseby was horrified at thought that she might teach London how to drive as she once drove her father's yacht through several piers due to being distracted putting on sunscreen.

*Maynard Kay is a bully who is into Spelling Bees. Zack had to pay a debt to him in "Neither a Borrower nor a spelling bee".

*Brandi Tipton (Played by T. Lopez) is London's fifth stepmother. At first London does not like her but the two eventually manage to get along. She is divorced from Wilfred as heard in Mr. Tipton Comes to Visit when London says "All 12 of Daddy's wedding cakes were German Chocolate"

*Jeff was a boy Maddie was into in season one, as shown in "A Prom Story". He has a girlfriend.

*Tiffany and Chelsea - (played by Alexa Nikolas and Brittany Curran) Tiffany and Chelsea are two wealthy friends of London. They are not too bright. Chelsea says that she does not drive her car because bugs can get into the windshield. They both appear in "Miniature Golf" and "Who's The Boss?" while Chelsea was in the episode "Tiptonline". In "Who's the Boss" they have British accents. Tiffany has appeared in two episodes throughout the series, and Chelsea has been in four.

*Holly O'Neil (played by Sammi Hanratty) - First appeared in "Have a Nice Trip", Holly is the child of a conman named Harry, and later went to Camp Heaven On Earth. Like her father, Holly enjoys conning -- she conned Zack, Maddie, Cody, and various Tipton staff members during "Have a Nice Trip"; and attempted to con London in "Graduation". She is living with neighbors since her dad is in jail. Holly has appeared in five episodes throughout the series.

*Jasmine (played by Cierra Ramirez) - Was at Camp Heaven On Earth with Maddie. She has anger issues and a dislike for Amy. Jasmine currently appears in four episodes in the series.

*Amy (played by Hannah Leigh Dworkin) - Was at Camp Heaven On Earth with Maddie. She tends to have a habit of lying. In "Sink or Swim", she told the truth and said, "it felt kinda good". She has claimed that she lives with wolves and that aliens abducted her. Amy appears in four episodes in the series.

*Leah (played by Jaelin Palmer) - Was at Camp Heaven On Earth with Maddie. Leah does not talk very often, but does like to sing. She constantly wears black and states in one episode that her favorite shade of black lipstick is "Kiss Me Charcoal", thus stating she may be Gothic. Leah appears in four episodes in the series.

*Haley (played by Tara Lynne Barr) - First appears in "Summer of Our Discontent". She is a very shy classmate of Zack and Cody, who puts a paper bag over her head whenever people are looking at her. In her debut, she forms a crush on Zack, which, by the end of the episode, turns into love. Haley currently appears in two episodes in Season 3—"Summer of Our Discontent" and "Benchwarmers".

*Wayne Wormser (played by Jareb Dauplaise) - Wayne works as the Assistant Manager at the Paul Revere Mini-Market with Zack and Cody. He is often known for his odd doings and being full of himself. Wayne has a huge crush on London.

*Kurt Martin (played by Robert Torti) - Kurt is Zack and Cody's Dad, and Carey's ex-husband who first appears in Dad's Back. He is known as the more fun and spontaneous parent and leads a rock band. He is also seen in Christmas at the Tipton where he was going on a trip with Zack and Cody without Carey and ends up being snowed in at the Tipton Cody thought they where getting back together but they are never getting back together. He and Carey sang at the Tipton and helped deliver a baby. He is also seen in Volley Dad where Cody asked him to stop Carey from being all over a new boyfriend. He is back in the season 3 episode: Graduation for Zack and Cody. Kurt appears in 5 episodes throughout the series.

*Trevor (played by Zac Efron) - First appeared in "Odd Couples" as London's love interest. He was staying at the Tipton along with the Merit Scholars. Trevor happens to ask London out for a date to the museum. Through the date, Maddie coaches London with what London thought was a computer chocolate chip. However, London starts picking up police reports. London repeated everything she heard, including Maddie's insulting comments to Trevor. Maddie and Trevor begin fighting about the environment and global warming, which led to two kisses between them. Trevor never appeared in any other episodes.

*Fransesca(Played By Georgina Rosso) - Only Appeared in One episode "Health and Fitness" by insulting Maddie in her dress!!


*Dudley Ramirez - Is Esteban's pet chicken. He only appeared on the episode "Commercial Breaks". After that, Esteban mentions him in some episodes.

*Scamp Fitzpatrick - Is Maddie's pet dog. In the episode "Crushed", he and Ivana, London's dog, fall in love and he has five puppies. When "talking" to Ivana he notes that he has fleas but they are only there on weekends.

*Tippy Tipton - Is the horse that does the carriage rides for the Hotel.

*Ivana Tipton-Fitzpatrick (voiced by Emma Stone) - Is London's spoiled dog. She is a Pomeranian breed, and appears to be a lot smarter than London. In the episode "Crushed", she and Scamp, Maddie's dog, fall in love and she has five puppies. She is a parody of Tinkerbell Hilton

Notable Guests Stars

*Vanessa Anne Hudgens as Corrie
*Monique Coleman as Mary-Margaret
*Zac Efron as Trevor
*Drew Seeley as Jeffrey
*Jesse McCartney as Himself
*Raven Symone as Raven Baxter
*Adrienne Bailon, Sabrina Bryan, and Kiely Williams as The Cheetah Girls (Themselves)
*Tony Hawk as Himself
*Kay Panabaker as Amber
*Tom Poston as Murl
*Kathy Najimy as Principal Miletitch
*Meaghan Jette Martin as Stacey
*Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana
*Moises Arias as Randall
*Selena Gomez as Gwen
*Tahj Mowry as Brandon
*Michael Clarke Duncan as Coach Little
*Victoria Justice as Rebecca
*Nathan Kress as Jamie
*Jaden Smith as Travis
*Chris Brown as Himself

Character appearances

Recurring Characters

This table does not have any one-time characters.

This table was updated after "Mr. Tipton Comes To Visit". The table does not have upcoming appearances.Note that Adam Tait has several "Suite Life" roles.

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