Wom! A2 — Wom! A2, Grupo de Rock de la escena musical de los 80. Muchas veces fueron definidos por la crítica musical como los Clash de Barcelona, aunque ellos siempre rehuyeron toda etiqueta clasificadora por considerarlo una limitación.[1] El grupo de… … Wikipedia Español
wom|er|ah — wom|er|a, wom|er|ah, or wom|mer|a «WOM uhr uh», noun. a device used to throw spears by aborigines of Australia. Also, woomera. ╂[< native Australian name] … Useful english dictionary
wom|er|a — wom|er|a, wom|er|ah, or wom|mer|a «WOM uhr uh», noun. a device used to throw spears by aborigines of Australia. Also, woomera. ╂[< native Australian name] … Useful english dictionary
WOM — ist eine Abkürzung, die verschiedene Bedeutungen hat: Wahl O Mat Write Once Memory WOM (World of Music), eine frühere Ladenkette für Unterhaltungsmedien, gegründet 1988 als Teil des Hertie Konzerns, jetzt Teil von jpc Word of mouth, im Marketing… … Deutsch Wikipedia
wom|an — «WUM uhn», noun, plural wom|en, adjective, verb, anned, an|ning or aned, an|ing. –n. 1. a female human being. A woman is a girl grown up. 2. women as a group; the average woman; womankind: » … Useful english dictionary
wom|an|i|ty — «wu MAN uh tee», noun. the normal disposition or character of womankind; womanliness: »Women did not enter for example economics to aerate that…agglomeration of male abstractions with a little “womanity,” but simply to prove they could be as… … Useful english dictionary
wom|an|iz|er — «WUM uh NY zuhr», noun. Informal. a man who pursues or consorts illicitly with women … Useful english dictionary
wom|an|ly — «WUM uhn lee», adjective, li|er, li|est, adverb. –adj. 1. like a woman. 2. as a woman is often thought to be; gentle, fine, and ladylike: »She has much womanly sympathy for those who need help … Useful english dictionary
wom|en — «WIHM uhn», noun. plural of woman … Useful english dictionary
wom — obs. form of whom … Useful english dictionary