Iván Petrovich

Iván Petrovich

Infobox actor
name = Iván Petrovich
birthdate = 1 January 1894
birthplace = Novi Sad, Austria-Hungary
deathdate = 18 October 1962
deathplace = Munich, Germany
othername =
occupation = Actor
yearsactive = 1918 - 1962
imdb_id = 0678323
Iván Petrovich (1 January 1894, Novi Sad, Serbia - 18 October 1962, Munich, Germany) was a silent-and-sound motion picture actor.

Born Swetislaw Petrovic, he entered film business at the end of World War I. To his early work belongs "Die Dame mit den Sonnenblumen", "Homo immanis" and "Der Stern von Damaskus".

Thanks to his singing talent, Petrovich made a successful transition into talking pictures. To his well-known movies of this time belong "Die Fledermaus", "Der Feldherrnhügel", and "Die Nacht der Entscheidung".


*Forever My Love (1962)
*The Journey (1959)
*Frantic (Ascenseur pour l'échafaud) (1958)
*Frühling in Berlin (1957)
*Widower with 5 Daughters (1957)
*Sissi - Die junge Kaiserin (1956)
*Der Zarewitsch (1954)
*Man nennt es Liebe (1953)
*Einmal kehr' ich wieder... Dalmatinische Hochzeit (1953)
*Fritz und Friederike (1952)
*The Devil Makes Three (1952)
*Die Försterchristl (1952)
*Das Letzte Rezept (1952)
*Vienna as It Was (1951)
*Czardas der Herzen (1951)
*Maharadscha wider Willen (1950)
*Prämien auf den Tod (1950)
*Wer bist du, den ich liebe? (1949)
*Eroica (1949)
*Verlorenes Rennen (1948)
*Arlberg-Express (1948)
*Der Prozeß (1948)
*Magyar kívánsághangverseny (1944)
*Einmal der liebe Herrgott sein (1942)
*Életre ítéltek! (1941)
*Feinde (1940)
*Dein Leben gehört mir (1939)
*Zentrale Rio (1939)
*Parkstrasse 13 (1939)
*Frauenliebe - Frauenleid (1938)
*Stronger Than Love (1938)
*Monika (1938)
*Die Nacht der Entscheidung (1938)
* Die Korallenprinzessin (1937)
*Unter Ausschluß der Öffentlichkeit (1937)
* Die Kronzeugin (1937)
*Das Frauenparadies (1936)
*Women's Paradise (1936)
*Mädchen in Weiß (1936)
*Ungeküsst soll man nicht schlafen gehn (1936)
*Three Girls Around Schubert (1936)
*Der Kosak und die Nachtigall (1935)
*Der Rote Reiter (1935)
*The Last Waltz (1934)
*Gern hab' ich die Frau'n geküßt (1934)
*Polenblut (1934)
*aka Flower of Hawaii (1933)
*Manolescu, der Fürst der Diebe (1933)
*Muß man sich gleich scheiden lassen (1933)
*Holzapfel Knows Everything (1932)
*Der Diamant des Zaren (1932)
*Grandstand for General Staff (1932)
*Victoria and Her Hussar (1931)
*Opera Ball (1931)
*Boudoir diplomatique (1931)
*La Chauve-souris (1931)
*Die Fledermaus (1931)
*Der König von Paris (1930)
*Liebe und Champagner (1930)
*Es gibt eine Frau, die dich niemals vergißt (1930)
*The King of Paris (1930)
*Favorite of Schonbrunn (1929)
*Latin Quarter (1929)
*Der Zarewitsch (1929)
*Lieutenant of His Majesty (1929)
*Corazones sin rumbo (1928)
*Secrets of the Orient (1928)
*Frauenarzt, Dr. Schäfer (1928)
*Morgane, the Enchantress (1928)
*Alraune (1928)
*A Daughter of Destiny (1928)
*Prince or Clown (1928)
*The Three Passions (1928)
*Der Orlow (1927)
*The Garden of Allah (1927)
*The Nude Woman (1926)
*The Magician (1926)
*Milady of Liban (1926)
*The Street of Sorrow (1925)
*Âme d'artiste (1924)
*Koenigsmark (1923) directed by Léonce Perret
*Scheine des Todes (1923)
*Un coquin (1923)
*Die Tänzerin Navarro (1922)
*Galathea (1921)
*Veszélyben a pokol (1921)
*Der Stern von Damaskus (1920)
*A Napraforgós hölgy (1918)

External links

*imdb name|id=0678323|name=Iván Petrovich
* [http://film.virtual-history.com/person.php?personid=1384 Photographs of Iván Petrovich]

NAME= Petrovich, Iván
DATE OF BIRTH= 1 January 1894
PLACE OF BIRTH= Novi Sad, Serbia
DATE OF DEATH= 18 October 1962
PLACE OF DEATH= Munich, Germany

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