

:"For the village in Azerbaijan, see Həjo." Hajo is an ancient pilgrimage centre for three religions: Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims. It lies on the banks of the Brahmaputra River, 24 km from the city of Guwahati in the Kamrup district of Assam, India. The area is dotted with a number of ancient temples as well as other sacred artifacts. The Hayagriva Madhava Mandir is the most famous temple of Hajo. Lesser known temples of Hajo like that of Ganesha was constructed during the reign of Ahom King Pramatta Singha in 1744 AD. The Kedareswara Temple, a Shiva temple, has inscription on the temple showing that it is of Rajeswar Singha period.

Hayagriva Madhava Mandir is situated on the Monikut hill. The present temple structure was constructed by the King Raghudeva Narayan in 1583. According to some historians the King of Pala dynasty constructed it in 6th century. It is a stone temple and it enshrines an image of Hayagriva Madhava. Some Buddhists believe that the Hayagriva Mahhava temple, best known in the group of Hindu temples, is where the Buddha attained Nirvana. At this imposing temple, the presiding deity is worshipped as the Man Lion incarnation of Vishnu by the Hindus. [cite web
title=Temples of North Eastern India
] Sayani, the first wife of Kalia Bhomora Barphukan donated a family of paiks and also a plot of land for their maintenance to the Hayagriva Madhava temple during the days of Purnananda Burhagohain.

Hajo is also a Muslim pilgrimage centre since the mosque known as the Poa Mecca is thought to have some of the sanctity of Mecca.


Hajo is part of Gauhati (Lok Sabha constituency). [cite web
url = http://archive.eci.gov.in/se2001/background/S03/AS_ACPC.pdf
title = List of Parliamentary & Assembly Constituencies
accessdate = 2008-10-05
work = Assam
publisher = Election Commission of India


ee also

* List of Hindu temples

External links

* [http://www.telegraphindia.com/1051206/asp/northeast/story_5562739.asp ASI cover for 3 Hajo temples]

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