Daughter's Hand — Beavis and Butt head episode Victoria s dad attacking Beavis and Butt head after continually asking for her hand . Episode no. Season … Wikipedia
daughter — [[t]dɔ͟ːtə(r)[/t]] ♦ daughters N COUNT: oft with poss Someone s daughter is their female child. ...Flora and her daughter Catherine. ...the daughter of a university professor... I have two daughters … English dictionary
daughter-in-law — daughters in law N COUNT: usu poss N Someone s daughter in law is the wife of their son … English dictionary
Someone Else's Daughter — Someone Else s Daughter: The Life and Death of Anita Cobby is a 1997 Australian novel written by Julia Sheppard, based on the life and murder of Australian nurse Anita Cobby. The book was published by Macmillan [ISBN 0 7329 0916 3] .ummaryOn a… … Wikipedia
someone is at your disposal — (someone) is at (your) disposal someone is available to help you. I know there is plenty of work to do, so my daughter is at your disposal … New idioms dictionary
someone is at disposal — (someone) is at (your) disposal someone is available to help you. I know there is plenty of work to do, so my daughter is at your disposal … New idioms dictionary
someone's little boy — someone’s little boy/girl/ phrase someone’s son daughter who is still a small child or is treated as if they are a small child You’ll always be Daddy’s little girl. Thesaurus: sons and daughters and nephews and nieceshyponym Main entry: little … Useful english dictionary
someone's little girl — someone’s little boy/girl/ phrase someone’s son daughter who is still a small child or is treated as if they are a small child You’ll always be Daddy’s little girl. Thesaurus: sons and daughters and nephews and nieceshyponym Main entry: little … Useful english dictionary
daughter — daugh|ter W1S1 [ˈdo:tə US ˈdo:tər] n [: Old English; Origin: dohtor] someone s female child ▪ She s got two daughters and one son. ▪ our eldest daughter daughter of ▪ the daughter of Labour MP Tony Benn … Dictionary of contemporary English
Daughter of Aaron — The description Daughter of Aaron is given to several women in the New Testament, among them Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist. This was a title given to all Kohanim (Levite priests), who nearly always intermarried: a daughter of Aaron was… … Wikipedia