Rusland Pool

Rusland Pool

Rusland Pool is a small river or beck running through the administrative county of Cumbria. Before 1974, Rusland Pool was in Lancashire.

The source of Rusland Pool is to be found in Grizedale Forest Park, where several streams draining Monk Coniston Moor and Hawkshead Moor converge near Jack Gap Plantation. The beck then follows a southerly course through Grizedale Forest Park, flowing past the settlements of Grizedale and Satterthwaite and being joined by Ashes Beck at Rusland, before continuing its course through the Rusland Valley, before its waters join the estuarine River Leven at Pool Foot near Haverthwaite.

The name of the stream has not always been Rusland Pool - John Speed's 1610 map of Lancashire records the name as "Foße fl." (i.e. River Fosse). [ [ Speed's 1610 map of Lancashire] , Environment Directorate at Lancashire County Council. Retrieved 10 September 2006.] At the time of writing,23-5-2007,otters have returned to Rusland Pool after many years absence.


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