Places in Disney's Gargoyles

Places in Disney's Gargoyles

This article includes a list of places featured in the fictional universe of Disney's animated series "Gargoyles".

Castle Wyvern

Castle Wyvern is a medieval castle and the ancestral and current home of the Manhattan Clan. Currently located atop the Eyrie building in Manhattan, it was originally located at an unspecified location in Scotland until it was moved, brick by brick, to its current location by David Xanatos which also serves as his home.


The original location of the fictional Wyvern was atop on a rocky hill overlooking the sea. The cave and caverns below were the longtime home of the Scottish clan of Gargoyles centuries before, until it was discovered by the fictional Prince Malcolm (who is probably based on the real Malcolm I of Scotland) in 974 who formed an alliance with Gargoyles there as he used them to help defeat his enemies. After solidifying his power base and defeating his enemies, he built Castle Wyvern and made the Gargoyles the castle honor guard. Following Malcolm's death, his daughter Katharine took lordship of the castle, but did not share her father's feelings for the Gargoyles and made them feel generally unwelcome. In 994, a spate of Viking attacks led to a series of events that led to the betrayal and destruction of its Gargoyles and its survivors turned to permanent stone sleep. Katharine and her surviving human subjects abandoned the castle, as it remained abandoned throughout the millennium as locals (perhaps thanks to the ghosts of the leader of Vikings, Hakon and the captain of the castle garrison that remained at the site) considered the area haunted.

In 1994, David Xanatos, acting on a tip from Demona and the Grimorum Arcanorum, purchased the castle and moved it piece by piece to his building in New York in hope of breaking the spell that put the Gargoyles in permanent stone sleep. While he was successful at that, he was unsuccessful in getting the Gargoyles to join his cause and he later forced them out. However, by the end of the series, the Gargoyles were invited back by Xanatos.


Xanatos modernized and renovated the castle when he moved it to New York to suit his needs as his home and as his headquarters. The original Wyvern site also had a series of caves that served as a rookery for the Gargoyles as well as a hideout for the evil Archmage.


Avalon in the Gargoyles universe is based on the island of Celtic Mythology. It is home to the third race of fairies and their king, Oberon as well as the Avalon Clan.


In the Gargoyles universe, the island is on Earth, but exists on a different, parallel reality. For humans to access it, one must be on any body of water and chant a Latin magic verse to be transported there. The flora and fauna and physical landscape resemble that of the rest of the planet, but time passes differently there; an hour on Avalon is a day on Earth. The island also appears to be sentient as it emits magic energy. Anyone with the strength to handle such power can control and manipulate its energy to do whatever it wants. Avalon's magic also controls how one leaves the island; as the Guardian told Goliath and his friends : "Avalon does not take you where you "want" to go, it "sends" you where you need to be."


Once the home of the third race, they were all banished by their King, Oberon who then himself abandoned the island and left its care and defense to the Weird Sisters. Coincidentally at the same time, Princess Katharine and her company, fleeing a tyrannical king, came to Avalon to seek refuge. Her Magus was able to easily defeat the Sisters and they re-settled on Avalon, raising the now hatched Gargoyle eggs as her own children. Meanwhile, the vengeful Sisters returned with the super-powered evil Archmage from Wyvern who wanted to use Avalon as a base to conquer the world. With the help of Goliath, Elisa and Bronx from the Manhattan Clan, the Archmage and the Sisters were defeated. Avalon then sent the trio on a worldwide quest to correct wrongs and battle evil, only to return to Avalon to face Oberon who had returned to island to call the third race back to it in an event known as the Gathering. Disgusted, he attempted to remove the Avalon clan, but was defeated with help from Oberon's wife Titania. Oberon relented, and even installed the Avalon clan as its honor guard.

The Eyrie Building

The Eyrie Building, located in Manhattan at the foot of Central Park is the corporate headquarters of Xanatos enterprises and the current location of Castle Wyvern. It is also his home and the home of the Manhattan Clan. It is the tallest building in New York, the world and is a mini city in its own right complete with its own power plant and self defense system installed by Owen Burnett. Such a defense system was capable of withstanding an attack from Oberon at full power.

The building was the scene of many battles between Xanatos and the Gargoyles. It was one such battle that led Elisa Maza to discover and befriend the Gargoyles.

Cyberbiotics Facilities

The rival to Xanatos Enterprises, Cyberbiotics had a number of facilities that figured prominently in the series. Most notably an underground facility (that later became the home of the Mutates), a tower situated on a fictional island in New York Bay, and an airship. The Manhattan clan, tricked by Xanatos in an ongoing bid to bankrupt his rival, destroyed the airship. The company CEO, Halcyon Reynard, rebuilt the ship at great personal cost to him and manned it with robots in order to provide better security. This didn't stop Fox from trying to destroy it in an attempt to take over the company, though she was foiled by Goliath. The airship also battled Oberon when he attacked New York City.

The Labyrinth

An abandoned laboratory (Initially situated in a disused station on the New York Subway) that was once owned by the Cyberbiotics corporation, and later home to The Mutates that share it with a few homeless humans. It later became the home of The Clones.

Other places in Gargoyles Canon

*Ishimura - A fictional town in Japan, it is the home of the Ishimura Clan. It is the only place on Earth where, thanks to the principles of bushido Gargoyles co-exist peacefully with humans and have been for centuries.

*New Olympus - An island populated with the descendants of creatures from antiquity as well as members of the third race who fled there from humanity centuries ago. They use cloaking technology to hide the island from the rest of the planet and harbored a deep hatred for humans until a visit from Elisa Maza changed their minds. Had the show continued, creator and producer Greg Weisman would have intended to have New Olympus to reveal itself to humanity at the United Nations. Weisman has also revealed the presence of a Gargoyle clan there.

*In To The Mystic - The magic shop in Soho that the London clan runs as a source of income.

*Shambhala- Another mythical location revealed to be an actual place in the Gargoyle Universe as of "Reunion". In the stories it was a place of Peace and Tranquillity

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