youngberry — ☆ youngberry [yuŋ′ber΄ē ] n. pl. youngberries [after B. M. Young, 19th c. U.S. horticulturist] 1. a large, sweet, dark purple berry, a cross between a blackberry and a dewberry 2. the trailing bramble bearing this fruit … English World dictionary
youngberry — paprastoji gervuogė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Erškėtinių šeimos vaisinis augalas (Rubus caesius), paplitęs Europoje ir Azijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Rubus caesius; Rubus caesius var. turkestanicus angl. European dewberry; youngberry… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
youngberry — noun Etymology: B. M. Young fl1905 American fruit grower Date: 1927 the large sweet reddish black fruit of a cultivar of a bramble closely related to the boysenberry and loganberry and grown in the western and southern United States; also a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
youngberry — /yung ber ee, beuh ree/, n., pl. youngberries. Hort. a blackberry that is a cultivated variety of Rubus ursinus of the southwestern U.S. [1930 35; named after B. M. Young, U.S. hybridizer, who developed it c1900] * * * … Universalium
youngberry — noun A hybrid between a blackberry and a dewberry of the rose family, first cultivated in the western United States. See Also: Rubus ursinus … Wiktionary
youngberry — noun (plural youngberries) a bramble of a variety which bears large edible reddish black fruit, believed to be a hybrid of the dewberry. Origin 1920s: named after the American horticulturalist B. M. Young … English new terms dictionary
youngberry — young•ber•ry [[t]ˈyʌŋˌbɛr i, bə ri[/t]] n. pl. ries 1) pln a large, sweet, purple berry that is a cultivated cross between a blackberry and a dewberry 2) pln the trailing bush bearing this berry • Etymology: 1930–35; after B. M. Young, U.S.… … From formal English to slang
youngberry — /ˈjʌŋbəri/ (say yungbuhree), / bri/ (say bree) noun (plural youngberries) the large, dark purple, sweet fruit of a trailing blackberry in the south western US, a cross between several blackberries. {named after BM Young, 20th century US… …
youngberry — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ see berry noun Etymology: after B. M. Young fl 1900 American fruit grower who developed it : the large sweet reddish black fruit of a hybrid between a trailing blackberry and a southern dewberry grown in western and southern United States; … Useful english dictionary
Rubus ursinus cv. Young — Youngberry, Yongberi o Zarza de Young es un híbrido entre la zarzamora y la zarza pajarera ambos miembros del genus rubus de la familia de las rosas. Historia Su origen es del occidente de los Estados Unidos y fueron hibridizados por Byrnes M.… … Wikipedia Español