

Youngberry ("Rubus ursinus cv. Young") is a hybrid between a blackberry and a dewberry of the rose family, first cultivated in the western United States. Byrnes M. Young, a businessman in Morgan City, Louisiana, who loved science and plants had an ongoing correspondence with Luther Burbank. While he had no success growing either loganberries or Phenomenal berries, he crossed the Phenomenal berry with the better-adapted Austin-Mayes dewberry to produce ‘Youngberry’ in 1905, which was then released in 1926. While the youngberry is not grown much in the U.S., it is grown in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa and was a parent of the very popular olallie blackberry and a grandparent of the marionberry.

The berries of the plant are edible and can be made into a juice or jam.

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  • youngberry — ☆ youngberry [yuŋ′ber΄ē ] n. pl. youngberries [after B. M. Young, 19th c. U.S. horticulturist] 1. a large, sweet, dark purple berry, a cross between a blackberry and a dewberry 2. the trailing bramble bearing this fruit …   English World dictionary

  • youngberry — paprastoji gervuogė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Erškėtinių šeimos vaisinis augalas (Rubus caesius), paplitęs Europoje ir Azijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Rubus caesius; Rubus caesius var. turkestanicus angl. European dewberry; youngberry… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • youngberry — noun Etymology: B. M. Young fl1905 American fruit grower Date: 1927 the large sweet reddish black fruit of a cultivar of a bramble closely related to the boysenberry and loganberry and grown in the western and southern United States; also a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • youngberry — /yung ber ee, beuh ree/, n., pl. youngberries. Hort. a blackberry that is a cultivated variety of Rubus ursinus of the southwestern U.S. [1930 35; named after B. M. Young, U.S. hybridizer, who developed it c1900] * * * …   Universalium

  • youngberry — noun A hybrid between a blackberry and a dewberry of the rose family, first cultivated in the western United States. See Also: Rubus ursinus …   Wiktionary

  • youngberry — noun (plural youngberries) a bramble of a variety which bears large edible reddish black fruit, believed to be a hybrid of the dewberry. Origin 1920s: named after the American horticulturalist B. M. Young …   English new terms dictionary

  • youngberry — young•ber•ry [[t]ˈyʌŋˌbɛr i, bə ri[/t]] n. pl. ries 1) pln a large, sweet, purple berry that is a cultivated cross between a blackberry and a dewberry 2) pln the trailing bush bearing this berry • Etymology: 1930–35; after B. M. Young, U.S.… …   From formal English to slang

  • youngberry — /ˈjʌŋbəri/ (say yungbuhree), / bri/ (say bree) noun (plural youngberries) the large, dark purple, sweet fruit of a trailing blackberry in the south western US, a cross between several blackberries. {named after BM Young, 20th century US… …  

  • youngberry — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ see berry noun Etymology: after B. M. Young fl 1900 American fruit grower who developed it : the large sweet reddish black fruit of a hybrid between a trailing blackberry and a southern dewberry grown in western and southern United States; …   Useful english dictionary

  • Rubus ursinus cv. Young — Youngberry, Yongberi o Zarza de Young es un híbrido entre la zarzamora y la zarza pajarera ambos miembros del genus rubus de la familia de las rosas. Historia Su origen es del occidente de los Estados Unidos y fueron hibridizados por Byrnes M.… …   Wikipedia Español

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