Alphonse Munchen

Alphonse Munchen

Jean-Pierre Alphonse Munchen (3 September 185025 January 1917) was a Luxembourgian engineer and politician. He served as the Mayor of Luxembourg City between 24 July 1904 and 14 February 1915.

Munchen was born into one of Luxembourg's best-established families [Wirton (1949), p. 381] in Diekirch on 3 September 1850. He studied at University of Liège, after which he became an industrial engineer, working in both Belgium and Luxembourg in the burgeoning local steel industry. [Wirton (1949), p. 391] Munchen was involved in the foundation of the steel mill at Rodange, and in the development of the Prince Henri Railway. [Wirton (1949), p. 391] After this, he spent many years working in the Russian Empire, particularly the Urals and Siberia, where he helped to develop the areas' first steel infrastructure. [Wirton (1949), p. 391]

In 1892, he entered Luxembourg City's communal council, in which he served until 1904, when he became the city's mayor. [Wirton (1949), p. 391] He also represented the city in the national legislature, the Chamber of Deputies. [Wirton (1949), p. 391]

There is a street in Merl, Luxembourg City, named after Munchen ("Rue Alphonse Munchen").



* cite book |last=Wirton |first=Louis |editor=Mersch, Jules |title=Biographie nationale du pays de Luxembourg |accessdate=2007-08-26 |date=1949 |publisher=Victor Buck |location=Luxembourg City |chapter=La famille Munchen |chapterurl=

s-ttl|title=Mayor of Luxembourg City
years=1904 – 1914

NAME=Munchen, Alphonse
SHORT DESCRIPTION=Luxembourgian engineer and politician
DATE OF BIRTH=3 September 1850
PLACE OF BIRTH=Diekirch, Luxembourg
DATE OF DEATH=25 January 1917
PLACE OF DEATH=Luxembourg City, Luxembourg

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