- Veshareh
Veshareh is one of the village in
Qom Province Near Dastjerd(Dastgerd) city and Karkas mountains.Its surrounding villages are:Mujan ,Giv ,Mansourabad ,Sorkhdeh ,hemmatabad ,jawzeh . Other information:Area Type: Populated place,Location Type: Populated PlaceLatitude: 34.51694,Longitude: 50.23167(Decimal degrees)
Latitude (DMS): 34° 31' 1 N,Longitude (DMS): 50° 13' 54 E(Degrees, minutes and seconds)
It is where
Khaje Nasir Toosi was born .There is a mountain in the village which is called Khaje nasir mountain(koohe Khaje nasir) previously there was a castle on the mountain with the same name which has destroyed completely.Actually the name of this village was "varshah" which in the time is turned to veshareh.link
* [http://www.fallingrain.com/world/IR/24/Veshareh.html]
* [http://www.traveljournals.net/explore/iran/map/m4354192/veshareh.html]
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