Larry Fondation

Larry Fondation

Larry Fondation is an American novelist and short story writer, concentrating largely on the dark underbelly of Los Angeles, where he has lived for fifteen years. His works include the novel "Angry Nights" and the short story collection "Common Criminals". A third novel, "Fish, Soap and Bonds", was released in 2007 by Raw Dog Screaming Press, and another short story collection in collaboration with London-based artist Kate Ruth is forthcoming. His fiction and non-fiction has appeared in publications such as Flaunt (where he is Special Correspondent), Fiction International, Quarterly West, the Los Angeles Times and the Harvard Business Review.

Fondation worked with the Industrial Areas Foundation, the largest community organizing network in thenation, in South Central and East Los Angeles for fifteen years. The Industrial Areas Foundation iscommitted to building organizations dedicated to producing social change at the grass-roots level.Fondation currently works for a teacher training company that helps underperforming schools raise theiracademic standards.

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* [ Bio from Raw Dog Screaming Press]

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