Union catalog

Union catalog

A union catalog is a combined library catalog describing the collections of a number of libraries. Union catalogs have been created in a range of media, including book format, microform, cards and more recently, networked electronic databases. Print union catalogs are typically arranged by title, author or subject (often employing a controlled vocabulary); electronic versions typically support keyword and Boolean queries.

Union catalogs are useful to librarians, as they assist in locating and requesting materials from other libraries through interlibrary loan service. They also allow researchers to search through collections to which they would not otherwise have access, such as manuscript collections.

The largest print union catalog ever published is the American "National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints" (NUC), completed in 1981 [cite journal
last = Beall
first = Jeffrey
coauthors = Kafadar, Karen
title = The Proportion of NUC Pre-56 Titles Represented in OCLC WorldCat
journal = College & Research Libraries
volume = 66
issue = 5
pages = 431–5
date = 2005
url = http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crljournal/backissues2005a/crlsept05/beall05.pdf
accessdate = 2006-10-27
] . This achievement has since been superseded by the creation of large electronic resource sharing networks, such as OCLC's WorldCat.



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  • National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints — National Union Catalog Le National Union Catalog est un catalogue bibliographique collectif des livres et manuscrits d’avant 1956. Il est également désigné comme NUC of Pre 1956 ou NUC, et surnommé le Mansell catalog. Sommaire 1 Historique 2… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • National Union Catalog of Pre-1956 Imprints — National Union Catalog Le National Union Catalog est un catalogue bibliographique collectif des livres et manuscrits d’avant 1956. Il est également désigné comme NUC of Pre 1956 ou NUC, et surnommé le Mansell catalog. Sommaire 1 Historique 2… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • National union catalog — Le National Union Catalog est un catalogue bibliographique collectif des livres et manuscrits d’avant 1956. Il est également désigné comme NUC of Pre 1956 ou NUC, et surnommé le Mansell catalog. Sommaire 1 Historique 2 Codes NUC …   Wikipédia en Français

  • National Union Catalog — Le National Union Catalog est un catalogue bibliographique collectif des livres et manuscrits d’avant 1956. Il est également désigné comme NUC of Pre 1956 ou NUC, et surnommé le Mansell catalog. Sommaire 1 Historique 2 Codes NUC …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Union catalog(u)ing — Составление сводных каталогов …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

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