Wedge-shaped gallery grave

Wedge-shaped gallery grave

A wedge-shaped gallery grave or wedge tomb is a type of Irish chamber tomb. They are so named because the burial chamber itself narrows at one end (usually decreasing both in height and width from west to east), producing a wedge shape in plan. An antechamber is separated from the burial area by a simple jamb or sill, and the doorway generally faces west. [cite web | author= BBC History | year= 2004 | title= Irish Neolithic Tombs" | url=| accessdate=2006-09-06]

A distinguishing characteristic of wedge tombs is the double-walling of the gallery. They were often covered by cairns, which could be round, oval or D-shaped, often with a kerb to revet it. More are low sized, usually about 1.5 meters high, and are generally found on mountain sides, about three-quarters the way up.

Wedge tombs were built between the Irish late Neolithic and middle Bronze Ages (about 2500 to 2000BC). Today, between 500 and 550 known wedge tombs survive [cite web | author= | year= | title= "A Brief Guide To Irish Archaeological Sites" | url=| accessdate=2006-08-26] in Ireland, and are found predominantly in the west and north west of the island.


External links

* [ Pretanic World - Chart of Neolithic, Bronze Age and Celtic Stone Structures]

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