- 501st Infantry Regiment (United States)
Infobox Military Unit
unit_name=501st Infantry Regiment
caption=501st Infantry Regiment coat of arms
nickname="Arctic Paratroopers" "Spartans"
colors=Blue and White
ceremonial_chief=Chief Geronimo
type=Airborne infantry regiment
branch=U.S. Army
dates=1942-11-15 - Present Day
allegiance=Regular Army
command_structure=25th Infantry Division
size=One Battalion (Around 1,000 plus Personnel)
specialization="Strategic Response Task Force"
current_commander=LTC Clinton Baker
garrison=Fort Richardson, Alaska
battles=World War II
VietnamOperation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan Campaign
Iraq Campaign
notable_commanders= Howard Johnson "Jumpy Johnson"Julian Ewell Joe Hooper (soldier)
identification_symbol_label=501 PIR Distinctive Unit Insignia
identification_symbol_2_label=25th Infantry Division Shoulder Sleeve InsigniaUS Regiments
previous=500th Infantry Regiment
next=502nd Infantry Regiment's Pacific Command. (Note: Only the 4th Brigade is on jump status, not the entire 25th Infantry Division.)History
"The following history was provided by 4th Brigade (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office. Please note that there are subsequential sites and organizations that have the same history, therefore we decided to get permission from the source. This is the source history."
World War 2
The 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment was activated at
Camp Toccoa, Georgia on November 15, 1942. Originally, the 501st was part of the101st Airborne Division duringWorld War II and during theVietnam War .The famous test platoon, the prime ancestor of all American Parachute Units, provided the nucleus of the 1st Parachute Battalion, which in turn provided part of the cadre, the unit number, the genealogical lineage and the heraldic background of the 501st Parachute Regiment. Its initial group of officers were hand picked by its first commander, Colonel Howard Johnson Known by his peers as "Skeets", he was very much in the swashbuckling mold of most of the original parachute regimental commanders, of whom the popular saying was "To command a parachute unit, you don't have to be nuts, but it helps!"
Annapolis graduate who had boxed while a midshipman, Johnson had transferred to the Army on graduation and had most recently been at the tank destroyer center before volunteering for parachute duty. To say that he took to parachuting is a gross understatement: he ate, slept, and breathed it, and jumped whenever he possibly could, often jumping many times in a single day. His nickname among his men became "Jumpy Johnson." He was a zealot on physical conditioning, for himself and everyone in his regiment, and personally led calisthenics, running and all other physical activities. He set a record for running up Currahee Mountain (which loomed over Camp Toccoa) and challenged anyone in the regiment to beat his time. A heavy punching bag hung outside his quarters, and when not punching that, Johnson could often be seen throwing his huge knife at hanging plywood replicas of Hitler and Hirohito.All members of the regiment were parachute volunteers, but only a minor fraction were actually qualified jumpers during training at Camp Toccoa, GA. , GA, a distance of convert|105|mi|km. They then moved to Fort Benning, GA, to jump train all members not previously qualified. With jump training over, the regiment was assigned to the Airborne Command at Camp MacKall, NC. This was its home base during prolonged maneuvers in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Louisiana, and until January 1944, when the regiment deployed to England, by way of
Camp Myles Standish , MA. Once in England the 501st became a permanent attachment of the 101st Airborne Division and was a vital part of that famous unit for the duration of World War II. In England, training was as hard and realistic as ever, and became increasingly oriented toward an airborne assault into German-held Europe. Although none of the soldiers knew this initially, the regiment was actually training forOperation Overlord , the super-secret allied plan for the combined air, naval, amphibious, and airborne operations to breach Hitler's "Atlantic Wall." As D-Day drew closer, a few key commanders and staff were briefed on the part the 101st would play in Operation Overlord. Then with D-Day just days away, the 501st with the rest of the division, was sequestered in well guarded marshaling camps, where every man finally learned not only his own mission, but the overall mission of the 501st and the 101st Airborne Division. These very extensive and intensive briefings were to pay big dividends during actual operations.In a nutshell, the 501st (less 3rd Battalion) was to take off from Merryfield Airport at 2245, June 5, 1944, 3rd Battalion was to depart at the same time from Welford. All units were to fly across the English Channel and drop into Normandy, five hours prior to the seaborne landing. The 501st drop zones were north and east of the town of Carentan. Two battalions were to seize key canal locks at La Barquette and destroy bridges over the Douve River, while the third battalion was in division reserve. The many books written on the night drop into Normandy, all point out the break-up of the troop carrier formations, from a combination of low clouds, and enemy anti-aircraft fire. This caused highly scattered drops, in most cases not on or near planned drop zones. Accordingly, actions that night bore little resemblance to those so carefully planned and briefed. Amazingly, the regiment (and the division) accomplished its multiple missions, but none of them as rehearsed. The successes were the result of the initiative, stamina, and daring of the individual parachutists, who each assessed his own situation on landing, decided how best to accomplish some part of the overall mission. Typical was the capture of a key causeway fromUtah Beach , at Pouppeville, by a scratch force of about 100 officers and men, formed around a nucleus from the 3rd Battalion (division reserve) of the 501st. Members of this ad hoc force included both General Maxwell Taylor and Assistant Division Commander Gerald Higgins. General Taylor quipped that, "Never were so few led by so many." Fierce fighting in Normandy by no means ended with D-Day, but continued with important results in assisting the amphibious landings and joining the beach at Utah to that at Omaha. The gallant efforts of the 501st were at high cost; the regiment lost 898 men killed, wounded, missing, or captured. Returning to its base in England, in mid-July, the 501st slowly regained its pre D-Day capabilities with many replacements and another round of intensive training. There was good news of a presidential citation for actions in Normandy, and many planned assaults into France, which aborted as the allies overran planned objectives. Then, in the early fall of 1944, plans were made for what was not a "dry run," the airborne assault into occupied Holland. Code-named "Market Garden," it combined a deep airborne thrust through western Holland by the 1st Allied Airborne Army, with an overland drive by the British 2nd Army. The plan visualized airborne forces seizing key bridges over rivers and canals so 2nd Army could move very deep and fast over a distance of more than convert|100|mi|km, past the Rhine River, the last major water obstacle short of Berlin. This airborne assault would be made in daylight. The 101st Airborne Division was assigned the southernmost bridges at Eindhoven, Zon, Saint Oedenrode and Veghel, with the 501st assigned the Veghel Bridges. The airborne assault went as scheduled on 17 September 1944, with an improved performance by troop carrier units. Most drop zones were hit with good drop patterns. 1st Battalion, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, however, was dropped some convert|5|mi|km east of its planned drop zone. In spite of this, the four bridges in Veghel were captured intact. Then began the really difficult part of the operation, keeping open the highway over which 2nd Army must pass to reach the British 1st Airborne Division, which was fighting for its life at the northern end of the airborne corridor. The fatal flaw in the plan became more evident each day as the forces proved too few to both keep open the key highway and also fight on to a linkup with the British Airborne across the Rhine. The 1st Airborne Division paid the full price for this flaw as they went down fighting against overwhelming odds; less than two thousand men escaped death or capture.The 501st, with the rest of the division, moved from initial objective areas to positions on "the island" between the Waal and Rhine Rivers; it became clear that they would not be withdrawn from Holland after a few days, as they had been told; their combat skills were too much needed by the British. The prolonged fighting on "the island" was anything but the way to use an airborne unit. After the initial hard fighting it became a static war of patrolling and attrition, principally by artillery and mortars. One such mortar attack, near Heteran, on 8 October 1944, fatally wounded Colonel Johnson. As he was being evacuated, his last words to LTC Ewell were, "Take care of my boys." Colonel Johnson was the best-known loss, but with him they lost 661 other fine soldiers. LTC Julian Ewell, a taciturn West Pointer, succeeded COL Johnson. Much less an extrovert than Johnson, he more than made up for any lack of "flash and dash" with a keen mind, tactical prescience and all around professional competence. After 72 days of combat in Holland the division returned to a new staging area in Mourmelon, France, for what everyone thought would be a long, well-deserved rest. Accordingly, many men were on leave or pass, the Division Commander was in the United States, the Assistant Division Commander was in England (leaving the Artillery Commander, General McAuliffe, in command), and there still were major shortages of equipment and supplies that had not been replaced after Holland. To put it mildly, the division was ill-prepared for the word they received in the late evening of December 17th. The Germans had launched a major offensive at dawn on 16 December through the Ardennes in the lightly-held sector of VII Corps. At that time Shears Reserve consisted of the 101st and the 82nd. The 101st was ordered to move "truckborne" to Bastogne, the hub town of a major radial road net, to stem the oncoming Germans. General McAuliffe ordered the move by regimental combat teams without waiting for any absentees. The 501st was the lead combat team in the division move, and after a grueling truck ride, reached Bastogne at about 2230 hrs. Thus, by midnight, the 501st was the first and only regiment combat team ready for action. Ewell asked McAuliffe for a definite assignment and was ordered to move out on the eastern road through Longvilly and seize and hold a key road junction beyond Longvilly. The 501st was the first to fight at Bastogne when one of its battalions ran into the enemy near Neffe, a few kilometers out of Bastogne. Thus began the heroic defense of Bastogne in which the 501st gave up not one foot of ground, and in which the division, and its comrades in arms, stopped cold everything the Germans could throw at them, ruined Hitler's offensive time table and eventually won the 101st the first presidential unit citation ever awarded to a full division. Once again, the 501st paid a dear price of 580 killed, wounded or captured. One casualty was Colonel Ewell, who was badly wounded and relinquished command to LTC Robert Ballard, who had commanded 2nd Battalion from the beginning. Bob Ballard was a quiet Floridian who was not a professional soldier like Johnson or Ewell, but a fine officer who had learned how to command quietly and effectively while winning the admiration and respect of his men. Ballard continued in command of the 501st until the end of World War II. Operations after Bastogne would have been anti-climatic under most any circumstances, except for the light skirmishing in Alsace, and the drive into Germany's last redoubt, Bavaria, truly seemed like a cakewalk. The living in Germany after V-Day was good indeed, but rudely interrupted by orders to move back to billets in Joigny and Auxerre, France. Troops were advised not to take any captured cars or loot with them.Once in France the 501st tried to get enthused about training for an invasion of Japan, but quite honestly, their hearts were not in it; they felt they had done their share, and that someone else should finish off Japan. On 20 August 1945, the 501st was disbanded, ahead of the inactivation of the 101st Division in November 1945.Cold War
The 501st was reconstituted on 1 August 1946 at
Fort Benning , GA., but was inactivated there on 23 November 1948. Between 1951 and 1956 the 501st served with the 101st as a regular army training unit on two occasions, once atCamp Breckinridge , KY., and once at Fort Jackson, SC. In the spring of 1956, the 501st and the 101st moved (less personnel and equipment) toFort Campbell , KY, where they were activated as a provisional organization to test the "Pentomic" concept. The word pentomic referred to the five battle groups, which were in lieu of regiments and to the division's organic atomic weapon capability. One of the five battle groups was the 1st Airborne Battle Group, 501st Infantry. Its first commander was COL Harry Kinnard, who had been a member of the WWII regiment and also G-3 of the division from Holland. As to matters on lineage, on 25 April 1957, the 501st Regiment ceased to exist as a tactical unit and was redesignated as the 501st Infantry, a parent regiment under the combat arms regimental system. Simultaneously, on the same date, Company A, 501PIR was reorganized and redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Airborne Battle Group, 501st Infantry, and remained assigned to the 101st Airborne Division (organic elements were concurrently constituted and activated). Believe it or not, an element of the 501st actually served with the 82nd Airborne Division when the 82nd reconfigured in thepentomic format. On 1 September 1957, Company B, 501PIR was reorganized and redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Airborne Battle Group, 501st Infantry as an organic element of the 82nd Airborne Division, and activated at Fort Bragg, NC (concurrently, organic elements constituted and activated at Fort Bragg). When the pentomic concept gave way to theROAD (Reorganization Of the Army Division), with brigades and battalions instead of battle groups, the 2nd Airborne Battle Group, 501st Infantry was reorganized and redesignated as the 2nd Battalion, 501st Infantry. On 1 February 1964, its colors were relieved from assignment to the 82nd and assigned to the 101st at Fort Campbell, KY. The 101st was also reorganized as a ROAD airborne division, and the 1st Airborne Battle Group, 501st Infantry became the 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry, of the 101st.Vietnam
Thus, when the 101st fought again, this time in
South Vietnam , it included the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 501st. The division participated in twelve campaigns and was decorated by the Republic of Vietnam on three occasions. The 2nd Battalion, 501st, while attached to the 3rd Brigade, 101st received a presidential unit citation for the heroic actions of all elements of that brigade in the bloody fight at Hill 937 in the Ashau Valley in May 1969. The soldiers called it "Hamburger Hill ," but the battle streamer is embroidered: Dong Ap Bia Mountain. In all this unusual and difficult combat, both 501st units performed as bravely as their predecessors had in WWII. In May 1968 the division's jump status was terminated and the 101st was reorganized as an Airmobile division.As part of the post-Vietnam reorganization, the 2nd Bn, 501st Infantry was inactivated on 31 July 1972, and in the restructuring to the U.S. Army regimental system, the 1st Bn, 501st Infantry was inactivated at Fort Campbell on 5 June 1984. In October 1989 the 501st Regiment was reorganized under the U.S. Army Regimental System with Headquarters at Fort Richardson, Alaska. Simultaneously, 1st Bn (Abn), 501st Infantry was assigned to the 6th Infantry Division and activated atFort Richardson . The 6th, formed when the 172nd Infantry Brigade was expanded to a division, was inactivated during the post-Cold War drawdown and reverted again to the 172nd Infantry Brigade. The 1st Bn (Abn), 501st Inf was made a separate battalion combat team for a short period of time, around which the 4th Brigade (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division was constructed, where it serves to this day. Of the three original parachute regiments organic or attached to the101st Airborne Division inWorld War II , the 501st remains as the only unit on jump status.Operation Enduring Freedom
"This information is provided by the author of this article. The author was assigned to this unit and has first-hand account of operations."
TF 1-501 deployed to
Operation Enduring Freedom -Afghanistan from October 2003 until August 2004. The unit was based in the city of Khost at FOB Salerno near the southeastern border ofPakistan ., were, more often than not, both enemies and allies to the 501st, making the mission all that much more difficult. Many enemy were killed and even more were captured as a result of the unit's time in -country.Operation Iraqi Freedom
"This information is provided by the author of this article. The author was assigned to this unit and has first-hand account of operations."
The 501st deployed as part of its parent brigade in September 2006 and the final elements returned in December 2007 as part of a 14-month tour in north Babil Province,
Iraq , convert|35|mi|km south ofBaghdad . The unit was the tenant organization at Forward Operating Base Iskandariyah and conducted full-spectrum operations in the area's major population centers: Bahbahani, Jurf as Sakhr, Musayyib and Tahrir. The 501st was also responsible for support to operations in the city and province ofKarbala and provided paratroopers for additional contingency operations inAnbar Province , An Najaf and Hillah. During a period lasting six months, the 501st with attachments was also responsible for the cities of Iskandariyah and Haswah as well as surrounding rural communities. The unit was credited with the capture or neutralization of multiple ranking insurgents and bringing a strong measure of security to the area, as well as bolstering the capabilities of Iraqi security and defense forces. The 501st served under the divisional control of both the 1st Cavalry Division as part of Multi-National Division-Baghdad and the 3rd Infantry Division as a component of Multi-National Division-Central.Motto
The unit's motto is "Geronimo," a phrase that has become synonymous with paratroopers and parachutists in general.
The motto dates from 1940 and the lead up to World War II. The night before their first attempt to prove the feasibility of a mass jump, some U.S. paratroopers at Fort Benning watched the film "Geronimo" (1939). While drinking with fellow paratroopers after the show, Private Aubrey Eberhardt announced he would shout the name "Geronimo" when he jumped to prove he was not scared. He followed through with his promise and the practice soon caught on within the unit, becoming its unofficial motto. When the 501st was created the name was confirmed as the unit's official motto with the permission of the real
Geronimo 's family. [ [http://www.b-westerns.com/geronimo.htm Geronimo at B-Westerns] , retrieved 4th June 2007] [ [http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a5_146.html The Straight Dope] Why do parachutists yell "Geronimo!" when jumping from an airplane?", retrieved 4th June 2007]"The Black Diamonds"
During World War II, the
101st Airborne Division undertook steps to identify paratroopers from each divisional element visually. As a result, a suit from a deck of cards was painted on the helmets of the division's four infantry regiments. The helmets of the members of 501st were therefore emblazoned with a white diamond and each respective battalion was indicated with a white tick mark. The modern day members of the 501st resurrected the tradition in 2003 prior to deployment to Afghanistan with two black cloth patches sewn to each side of their helmet covers. The tradition was carried over after the switch to theArmy Combat Uniform as part of the Rapid Fielding Initiative in 2006 and again worn in Iraq. The emblem has entered common usage among members of the current Battalion outside of helmet insignia, appearing on unit clothing, challenge coins and other souvenirs. A similar insignia has been recently appropriated for use by the current 101st Aviation Brigade to match that of other elements within the101st Airborne Division which chose to use their originalWorld War II regimental helmet markings. Despite their use of the diamond patches, there is no historical connection between the use of the insignia inWorld War II and the 101st Aviation Brigade. The Brigade links their current use with the use of color coded diamonds onUH-1 s by the unit during Vietnam.Lineages of the 1st and 2nd Bn, 501st Inf
*Activated 15 November 1942 at
Camp Toccoa, GA (101st Airborne Division )*Disbanded 20 August 1945 at Camp Toccoa, GA (ahead of inactivation of 101st Airborne in November 1945)
*Activated 1 August 1946 at
Fort Benning, GA *Inactivated on 23 November 1948 at Fort Benning, GA
*Active 1951-1956 at Camp Breckinridge, KY and Fort Jackson, SC, as a non-Airborne training unit
*Moved to
Fort Campbell, KY in spring 1956. (Pentomic concept)*Redesignated on 25 April 1957 as a parent regiment under the Combat Arms Regimental System.
*On 1 September 1957 Company A, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment was redesignated as HHC, 1st Airborne Battle Group, 501st Infantry and assigned to the 101st Airborne Division; Company B, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment was redesignated as HHC (
Headquarters and Headquarters Company ), 2nd Airborne Battle Group, 501st Infantry and assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division.*1 February 1964, 2nd ABG, 501st INF was reorganized and redesignated as 2nd Bn, 501st INF, relieved from assignment from
82nd Airborne and assigned to 101st Airborne Division (administrative move of unit colors only).*2nd Bn, 501st INF inactivated on 31 July 1972. (Part of Post
Vietnam Reorganization)*1st Bn, 501st INF inactivated on 5 June 1984 at Fort Campbell, KY under the
U.S. Army Regimental System .*1st Bn, 501st Inf activated 1 October 1989 at
Fort Richardson, AK under the U.S. Army Regimental System.*Assigned to the 4th Brigade (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division on 14 July 2005.
Campaign Participation
World War II :# Normandy (with arrowhead)
#Operation Market Garden
# Ardennes-Alsace
# Central Europe
# Battle at the Le Barquette Locks
Geronimo ; The basis for the unit's motto and slogan.]*Vietnam:
# Defense
# Counteroffensive
# Counteroffensive, Phase II
# Counteroffensive, Phase III
# Tet Counteroffensive
# Counteroffensive, Phase IV
# Counteroffensive, Phase V
# Counteroffensive, Phase VI
# Tet 69/Counteroffensive; Summer-Fall 1969
# Winter-Spring 1970
# Sanctuary Counteroffensive
# Counteroffensive, Phase VII*
Middle East :#
Operation Enduring Freedom : FOB Salerno/Bagram
#Operation Iraqi Freedom : FOB IskandariyahExternal Links and References
Content was provided by these sources:
* USARAK (United States Army Alaska) [http://www.usarak.army.mil]
* 501st PIRA (Parachute Infantry Regiment Association) [http://www.501pira.org/index.htm]
* Global Security [http://www.globalsecurity.org]
* 4th Brigade (ABN), 25th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office
* Kenneth Teixeira - WWIIVeteran assigned to 501st
* Arlington National Cemetery Association
* World War II-Airborne [http://www.ww2-airborne.us/units/501/501.html]
* United States Army Pacific Command [http://www.pacom.mil/forum/summer2001/chapter09/Summer2001_27.html]
* 25th Infantry Division Association [http://www.25thida.org/unitsintro.html]Please note that this is an ongoing process and this information is not yet complete.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.