Isabel Bruce

Isabel Bruce

Isabel Bruce (properly, "Isabella de Brus" or "Isobail a Brus", fl. late 13th century) (c. 1272 Carrick, Argyllshire - 1358, Bergen, Norway) was a Queen of Norway, married to King Eric II of Norway in 1293.

Her parents were Robert Bruce and Marjorie, Countess of Carrick.

Isabel was king Erik's second wife, and indeed his second Scottish one. She was widowed, at age 24, at his death in 1299. Their marriage did not produce a male heir, though it did produce a daughter, Ingeborg, who married Valdemar Magnusson of Sweden. Isabel never remarried, despite surviving her husband by fifty nine years.

Her brothers included King Robert I of Scotland and Edward Bruce who briefly was High King of Ireland.


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