- Lisbeth Klastrup
Lisbeth Klastrup (born 1970) is a Danish scholar of
new media . Although her early research was onhypertext fiction , she is now best known for her research on virtual worlds, in particularMMOG s such asEverquest andWorld of Warcraft . Her focus in this research has been on "worldliness", or what makes an online space as in an MMOG feel like a world, although she is also known for her presentation of amusing anecdotes that she then connects to larger research questions. Her discussion of her Everquest character's "trouser quest" (paper presented atDigital Arts and Culture in 2003) is an example of this. Another project, the [http://www.death-stories.org Death Stories Project] looks into representations of death in MMOGs.Klastrup, particularly in a Danish context, also does research on the uses of blogs and moblogs, and the connection between offline and online communication. She also maintains [http://www.klastrup.dk/forskerblogs a list of blogs by Danish researchers] .
Klastrup is based in Copenhagen, and works as an associate professor at the IT University of Copenhagen, where she is affiliated with the [http://www.itu.dk/research/inc/ Innovative Communication Research Group] and the
Center for Computer Game Research . In the academic year 2006/7 she was on leave from the IT University, working as an Associate Research Professor at theCenter for Design Research Copenhagen , where she began a book on the cultural design history of the WWW, together with colleagueIda Engholm . Engholm and Klastrup have previously edited a Danish anthology of case studies ofhypertext fiction , MMOGs and other new media forms, "Digitale verdener".In 2005, Klastrup chaired the
Digital Arts and Culture conference in collaboration withSusana Tosca . Klastrup also keeps a research blog, [http://www.klastrup.dk/ Klastrup's Cataclysms]ee also
Simulated reality elected publications
*cite book
last = Klastrup
first = Lisbeth
authorlink = Lisbeth Klastrup
coauthors =
title = Towards a Poetics of Virtual Worlds: Multi-User Textuality and the Emergence of Story.
publisher = PhD dissertation
date =
location = IT University, Copenhagen
pages =
url = http://www.klastrup.dk/thesis.htm
doi =
id =*cite conference
first = Klastrup
last = Lisbeth
authorlink = Lisbeth Klastrup
coauthors =
title = A Poetics of Virtual Worlds
booktitle = Proceedings of the fifth Digital Arts and Culture conference
pages =
publisher =
date = 2003
location = Melbourne
url = http://hypertext.rmit.edu.au/dac/papers/Klastrup.pdf
doi =
id =
accessdate =*cite conference
first = Klastrup
last = Lisbeth
authorlink = Lisbeth Klastrup
coauthors =
title = Interaction forms, agents and tellable events in Everquest
booktitle = Proceedings of Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference
pages =
publisher =
date = 2002
location =
url = http://www.itu.dk/people/klastrup/webCGDT.pdf
doi =
id =
accessdate =*cite conference
first = Klastrup
last = Lisbeth
authorlink = Lisbeth Klastrup
coauthors =
title = Death Matters: Understanding Gameworld Experiences
booktitle = Proceedings from the Advances in Computing Entertainment Conference (ACE) 2006
pages =
publisher =
date = 2006
location =
url =
doi =
id =
accessdate =*cite book
last = Engholm
first = Ida
authorlink = Ida Engholm
coauthors = Lisbeth Klastrup
title = Digitale verdener
publisher = Gyldendal
date = 2004
location = Copenhagen
pages =
url = http://www.digitaleverdener.dk/
doi =
id =
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