Chase Me

Chase Me

"Chase Me" is an animated American made for DVD short film with no dialogue released with the "" DVD movie.

In the film, Batman chases Catwoman across Gotham City, the only soundtrack being a mix of a quiet piano score, and then later a high upbeat jazz style score that plays up the chase, and slowly dips into slower, methodical jazz as the movie reaches its downbeat climax, with Batman kissing Catwoman passionately, only to handcuff her to a gate as he does so, and leaves her to the approaching police.

The short was written by Paul Dini.


The piece begins with the view of a large penthouse to which Bruce Wayne is gazing out the window. He's pulled to the dance floor by three lovely young ladies (A group of young ladies stands in the background as well, one of them being "Black Canary"). Each has their turn before Alfred rescues Bruce, who dives into a nearby elevator.When the doors open, none other then Catwoman is at the safe, stealing a bag of money.Catwoman pins an angry Bruce Wayne to the wall while she finishes and makes her escape. Bruce breaks free, and heads after her as Batman.
He finds her on the rooftops, and the Chase begins.
She dives several dozens stories below into busy traffic, breaking her fall with a banner and swinging onto a tour bus. She poses for some pictures and Batman arrives, taking most of the publicity away from her.
They jump on a milk truck tanker and Catwoman blows the tires out. The truck spins off, and Batman pursues after her, ignoring the truck dumping gallons of milk on a couple of stray cats, and Bullock.
Then, they jump on a train, where, while going into a tunnel, batman looses Catwoman, only to see her trail leading into a zoo.Expectedly, she had detoured through the Large Cats exhibit and leaves Batman. He escapes through the sunroof while Catwoman runs into an aviary to be chased out by a flock of bats.She is then cornered by Batman against the gates of the zoo. She notices he was scratched earlier, and feels bad for it. She leans to kiss him and Batman pushes her away.
She looks extremely dejected from this. Batman then sweeps her into his arms and gives her a very long kiss.
The cops arrive, and Batman smiles at her. He takes the bag of money, and leaves.Catwoman smiles, thinking she's been let off the hook, only to find herself handcuffed to the fence. She hangs her head in dejection.
You see Bruce Wayne sadly looking through the window at the party, again, watching the cop cars fly past. A woman grabs his arm and pulls him back to the party.


*"" copyright Warner Bros. 2003
*"Chase me" copyright Warner Bros. 2003
* - Link to the short.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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