

Apollonius may be:

;Historical people:

* Apollonius Cronus (fl. 4th century BC), philosopher of the Megarian school
* Apollonius Dyscolus (fl. 2nd century), grammarian
* Apollonius Molon (fl. 70 BC), rhetorician
* Apollonius of Athens (fl. 1st century BC), sculptor
* Apollonius of Caria, historian born in Aphrodisias
* Apollonius of Ephesus (fl. 180-210), religious leader & writer
* Apollonius of Perga (262–190 BC), geometer & astronomer
* Apollonius of Rhodes (born c. 270 BC), librarian and poet
* Apollonius of Tralles (fl. 2nd century BC), sculptor
* Apollonius of Tyana (ca. 40—ca. 120 AD), Pythagorean philosopher
* Apollonius of Tyre (stoic) (fl. 60 BC), Stoic philosopher
* Apollonius the Effeminate (fl. 120 BC) a Greek rhetorician of Alabanda in Caria
* Apollonius the Sophist of Alexandria, a famous grammarian who probably lived towards the end of the 1st century CE
* Saint Apollonius (died c. 186), religious leader


* Apollonius of Tyre, medieval fictional character
* Apollonius (crater), on moon
* Apollonius' theorem, an elementary geometry theorem about triangles

ee also

* Apollo (disambiguation)
* Apollinaris (disambiguation)
* Apollodorus (disambiguation)
* Apollonia (disambiguation)

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