

company_name = Caspari, Inc. | company_
company_type = Business | foundation = 1945 (New York City, USA) | location = New York City, USA| products = Greeting cards, napkins, plates, wrapping paper, desk accessories, housewares. | homepage = [] |

Caspari Inc. is a respected publisher of exquisitely designed and printed paper products, with a reputation earned over the past sixty years by reproducing the work of established artists and museums from around the world.

Originally importing Christmas cards by European artists, Caspari has now expanded to include over 30 different product categories.

While the company has grown considerably since 1945, it continues to work with the same European printers and suppliers who originally collaborated with H. George Caspari.

Caspari products are inspired by such museum collections as the Musée de l’Impression sur Étoffes, The National Gallery, Williamsburg and The Royal Horticultural Society, as well as outstanding private collections and archives.

Artists from around the world partner with Caspari to create a portfolio that represents an international approach to design.

Caspari products are sold worldwide in stores including Le Bon Marché, Harrods, Neiman Marcus & Bloomingdale's, to name only a few.

In 2001, Caspari opened its first boutique at 7 rue Jacob in Paris and in November 2005, Caspari opened in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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