

Infobox grape variety
name = Ancellotta

caption =
species =
also_called = Ancelotta di Massenzatico, Ancelotti, Balsamina Nera, Lancelotta, Rossissimo, Uino and Uvino
origin =
hazards =
regions = Emilia-Romagna
notable_wines = Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce DOC, Colli di Rimini DOC, Colli di Faenza DOC

Ancellotta is a wine grape variety mainly grown in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, but also in some other parts of north Italy, and in south Switzerland. Synonyms include Ancelotta di Massenzatico, Ancelotti, Balsamina Nera, Lancelotta, Rossissimo, Uino and Uvino.

In Emilia Romagna it is used mainly as a secondary grape to make Lambrusco wines more amabile (slightly sweet)—specifically the "Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce DOC" (province of Modena), where it may provide up to 10% of the blend, and the Lambrusco versions of the "Reggiano DOC" (province of Reggio Emilia), where it may account for up to 15%.

In the south-west of the region, in the provinces of Forlì-Cesena and Ravenna, it is one of the varieties that may be blended with Sangiovese to produce the red "Colli di Faenza DOC". In the Province of Rimini it is employed in the "Colli di Rimini DOC" wine.

To a lesser degree Ancellotta is cultivated in Piedmont (around Vercelli), the Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Tuscany.

Outside of Italy, the grape is grown in southern Switzerland, in the canton Ticino and district of Moesa of the canton of the Grisons, where the grape is included in the list of recommended varieties for the red "Ticino DOC".


*, [ Il Ticino Vitivinicolo] it

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