Tao-Rusyr Caldera

Tao-Rusyr Caldera

Infobox Mountain
Name=Tao-Rusyr Caldera
Caption=Onekotan Island, with Nemo Peak at top (north) and Tao-Rusyr Caldera at bottom.
Elevation=1,325 metres (4,347 feet)
Location=Onekotan, Kuril Islands, Russia
Prominence =
Coordinates = coord|49.35|N|154.70|E|type:mountain

Type=Stratovolcano / Caldera
Last eruption=1952
First ascent=
Easiest route=

Tao-Rusyr Caldera is a stratovolcano located at the southern end of Onekotan Island, Kuril Islands, Russia. It has 7.5 km wide caldera formed during a catastrophic eruption less than 10,000 years ago (reported ages range from 5550 to 9400 Before Present). The waters of Kal'tsevoe Lake fill the caldera, along with a large symmetrical andesitic cone, Krenitsyn Peak, that rises as an island within the lake. This volcano was named after Captain Pyotr Krenitsyn of the Imperial Russian Navy.

The most recent eruption, in 1952, formed a small lava dome on the island's coast. Krenitsyn Peak has a summit crater 350 m wide and is the highest point of the volcano and on the entire Onekotan Island. Another caldera, Nemo Peak, lies at the northern end of the island, and it also contains a central cone and crater lake.


* [http://depts.washington.edu/ikip/Geology/volcanismindex.htm Volcanic Activity and Recent Tephras in the Kuril Islands: Field Result during the International Kuril Island Project (IKIP) 2000]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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