Arjen Lenstra

Arjen Lenstra

Arjen Klaas Lenstra (born 1956, Groningen) is a Dutch mathematician. He studied mathematics at the University of Amsterdam.He is currently a professor at the EPFL (Lausanne), in the Laboratory for Cryptologic Algorithms, andpreviously worked for Citibank and Bell Labs.

Lenstra is active in cryptography, especially in areas such as
integer factorization and the XTR cryptosystem.He has been involved in the successful factoring of several RSA numbers.

Lenstra's brother Hendrik Lenstra is a professor in mathematics at Leiden University and his brother Jan Karel Lenstra is the director of CWI (Dutch: Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica or CWI).

On 1 March 2005, Arjen Lenstra, Xiaoyun Wang, and Benne de Weger of Eindhoven University of Technology demonstrated [ [ Cryptology ePrint Archive ] ] construction of two X.509 certificates with different public keys and the same MD5 hash, a demonstrably practical hash collision. The construction included private keys for both public keys.

Lenstra is the recipient of the "Excellence in the Field of Mathematics" RSA® Conference 2008 Award [ [ RSA Conference Awards] ] .


External links

* [ Web page on Arjen Lenstra at EPFL]

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