

A houppelande or houpelande is an outer garment, with a long, full body and flaring sleeves, that was worn by both men and women in Europe in the late Medieval period. Sometimes the houppelande was lined with fur. The garment was later worn by professional classes, and has remained in Western civilization as the familiar academic and legal robes of today.

The houppelande appeared around 1380 and was to remain fashionable well into the next century. [Laver, "Concise History of Costume and Fashion"] The edges of the houppelande were often "dagged", or cut into decorative scallops. [Ribiero, Aileen, "Dress and Morality", Batsford, 1986, reprinted Berg, 2003, ISBN 1-8597-3782-X]

ee also

*1300-1400 in fashion
*1400-1500 in fashion



*Ribiero, Aileen, "Dress and Morality", Batsford, 1986, reprinted Berg, 2003, ISBN 1-8597-3782-X
*Laver, James: "The Concise History of Costume and Fashion", Abrams, 1979.

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  • houppelande — [ uplɑ̃d ] n. f. • XIVe; hopelande 1281; probablt a. angl. hop pâda « pardessus » ♦ Anciennt Long et ample vêtement de dessus, ouvert par devant, souvent fourré, à larges manches flottantes évasées. ⇒ cape . « Le cocher à grosse houppelande bleue …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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